Plot Pyramid Plot Video
Exposition the first part of the plot characters, setting, and basic situation are revealed includes conflict (first thing, great or small, that sets in motion the sequence of events that constitute the plot.) Example: Who are the characters in The Scholarship Jacket? What is the setting? What is the conflict?
where complications arise Rising Action Example: What were the events that happened after the conflict is introduced? What actions took place? What conversations happened? main part of the story moves the plot along where complications arise
Climax Example: What was the biggest moment in the story? Where did everything come to a head? Where was it the most tense and exciting? the most exciting or intense part of the story for the protagonist the OMG! usually a turning point
Falling Action events that follow the climax and lead to the resolution conflicts begin moving towards resolution Example: What did the characters do after the climax? What actions did they do? What conversations did they have?
Resolution Example: How did the characters end the conflict? What actions took place? What conversations took place? What was learned? the end of the story loose ends of the plot are tied up remaining questions are answered conflicts are resolved