What do we mean by giftedness in science?
Descriptions of scientific expertise Over the past 6 years we have asked around a 1 000 science teachers to state the qualities that make up scientific expertise and that they would look for in their students and the list sums to the following: Good Knowledge Play with ideas or concepts Able to model See patterns Technical ability Creative Problem solvers Passion for science Perceptive Imagination Original thinking (‘out of the box’) Intellectual playfulness Commitment Fast thinking Intuitive linking of ideas Pattern spotters Communication Confidence Pushing the boundaries when thinking Making conceptual links beyond the subject Source: O’Brien & Meatyard
Renzulli – three rings of giftedness Above average ability or potential Creativity Task commitment Is this true for you?
In relation to the criteria for your subject Choose 1-3 of the criteria which you regard as being particularly important for a pupil is able in science? (or biologist, chemist, physicist etc.) What does a good lesson look like for that? Plenary: Groups from each table share an example of a good lesson – notes taken in flipchart No evaluation or comment, other than to clarify meaning – there is time for at least half a dozen Then go back through and ask participants to identify examples of interesting practice List these as examples on a slide – ask question – what is distinctive about the kinds of teaching and learning that enable pupils to think like scientists Highlight potential of this exercise as a simple transferable INSET tool to get colleagues looking at G&T from within their own practice.
Expertise development High expectations. Provision that enables learners to develop expertise in a subject Personalising approaches by responding to the different needs of expert learners What is distinctive about teaching and learning for expertise development? Subject development. Understanding the different pathways towards becoming an expert
Across your team… Is this discussed much? Do your colleagues agree with you? Do you share lessons that teach specific skills? Do you analyse whether there are skills that as a team you find harder to teach? Have you identified specific skills which you feel many of your students lack?
“In times of change learners will inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to work in a world that no longer exists.” Eric Hoffer