Combined data from RISC (n=3,024) and San Raffaele dataset (n=1,067) Supplementary Figure 1 Study flow chart, with reasons and counts for patient exclusions. RC = radical cystectomy; RISC = Retrospective International Study of Invasive/Advanced Cancer of the Urothelium; UC = urothelial carcinoma. Combined data from RISC (n=3,024) and San Raffaele dataset (n=1,067) n=1,480 excluded for clinical N1-3 stage, and 851 for clinical M1 stage n=132 upper-tract or urethral primary tumor n=434 did not undergo RC n=1,194 selected patients n=78 with predominant non-UC histology n=166 missing key survival data n=950 patients in the final data analyses