Diazonium salts synthesis benzenediazonium ion
Diazonium salts, reactions Coupling to form azo dyes Replacements a) -Br, -Cl, -CN b) -I c) -F d) -OH e) -H f) etc.
coupling to form azo dyes
Sandmeyer Ar-N2+ + CuCl Ar-Cl + N2 Ar-N2+ + CuBr Ar-Br + N2 Ar-N2+ + CuCN Ar-CN + N2
Ar-N2+ + KI Ar-I + N2 Ar-N2+ + HBF4 Ar-F + N2 Ar-N2+ + H2O, H+ Ar-OH + N2 Ar-N2+ + H3PO2 Ar-H + N2
In syntheses, you may no longer assume that you can separate a pure para isomer from an ortho/para mixture. Either look up the physical properties of the compounds or rely on experience gained in the homework as to which mixtures are separable and which ones are not!
p-toluic acid
Spectroscopy of amines Infrared: N—H stretch 3200 – 3500 cm-1 1o often two bands 2o one band 3o no bands N—H bend 1o strong bands 650-900 cm-1(broad) and 1560-1650 cm-1 nmr: N—H 1-5 ppm (often broad and low)
p-toluidine N—H stretch N—H bend
p-ethylaniline d c b a