BOVEX Electronic Bovine Passport Exchange Technical presentation Rome/Teramo 11-12 June 2015 Amelio Francesco The information in this presentation are based on the version 2.37 currently in production
Typical flow Export Import (when the Bovines arrive) MS authority issues a TRACES certificate Receives a reference number (i.e. INTRA.FR.2015.00000123) MS checks if the destination country is participating to BOVEX Invoking the ListCountries method MS authority submits the passports calling BOVEX WS (SubmitExchange) Import (when the Bovines arrive) Importing MS authority notifies the arrival (RetrievePassports and AcknowledgePassports) Exporting MS authority gets notified of the acknowledge currently by e-mail (can be disabled)
Passport format EARTag PassportNumber EARtagOrigin BirthDate (i.e. FR1234567890) PassportNumber (i.e. 278979879) EARtagOrigin BirthDate BirthHolding Sex (M/F) BreedColorCode BreedColorOrigin MotherEarTag or OldEarTag List of Movements OldEarTag is the identification number in the case of an animal imported from a third country. BreedColorOrigin is the breed or color code before import to EU
Use cases
Web Service methods Set of operations ListCountries SubmitExchange RecallPassports RetrievePassports and AcknowledgePassports QueryCertificates QueryPassports
ListCountries Returns the list of participating countries Should be invoked systematically to decide if a passport should be submitted to BOVEX
SubmitExchange (1) Notifies the export of animals to BOVEX Is composed by a list of Passports and more TracesReferenceNumber i.e. INTRA.FR.2015.00000123 ExchangeDate OriginCountry OriginHolding DestinationCountry List of Passports
SubmitExchange (2)
RecallPassports Available only to sending country Recalls a list of submitted passports Used to resubmit existing passports correct mistakes
RetrievePassports (1) Gets the list of passports related to an import Available only to importing country Can be called multiple times for the same passports Input TRACES reference number (optional) retrieves all the passports linked to the TRACES certificate at the moment of submission in BOVEX and/or EARTags / PassportNumber Retrieves listed passports
RetrievePassports (2)
RetrievePassports (output)
AcknowledgePassports Notifies that the passports are correctly stored in the importing country's DB Same syntax as RetrievePassports Mandatory operation or done by the system 10 days after the passports are retrieved Marks the end the passport's lifecycle after could eventually be submitted again to BOVEX
QueryCertificates Retrieves list of TRACES bovine certificates basic set of information Search parameters Traces Reference Number Origin country Destination country Status Departure date (range) Declaration date (range) Last update (range)
QueryCertificates (return) Traces Reference Number the reference can be used to retrieve the passports (using the QueryPassports method) Origin and destination country Place of origin and place of destination Name, street, type, approval number Status (VALID, REPLACED etc.) Various dates Departure date Declaration date Last update Replaced certificate with new TRACES reference
QueryPassports (1) Retrieves list of Passports related to a TRACES certificate Input: TRACES reference number Outputs two lists EARTags submitted to BOVEX (linked during the submission to the specific TRACES certificate) EARTags as in the field I.31 of the TRACES certificate
QueryPassports (2) Passports submitted to BOVEX by the exporting country EARTags/Passport numbers declared in the TRACES certificate
Passport lifecycle in BOVEX Retrieve Retrieve (importing country) Submit Passport Submitted Retrieved Recall (sending country) Automatic after 10 days Automatic cancellation after 30 days Acknowledge (receiving country) In the red scope, the passports are de-facto deleted. A new passport with the same EarTag/PassportNumber can be submitted. Cancelled Recalled Acknowledged
How-To (1) Analyze the business processes Read the documentation where to collect information (passport, TRACES reference number, movements etc.) what are the triggers for submission and retrieval Read the documentation How-to document Data dictionary BOVEX Bundle available on Section "Health and Food Safety" TRACES Toolkit Library MANUALS Bovine ID Exchange
How-To (2) Request credentials for acceptance environment send a mail to Use the sample Soap-UI project to get familiar with the services Generate the client if using JAVA, could import and run the JaxWS sample client otherwise import the WSDL file in your WS client generator tool
Best practices (1) Run the client automatically using a scheduler Monitor the system to make the service reliable and analyse errors Use ListCountries The birth is not considered as a movement The EARTtag value must respect the format defined in the XSD if a submission or retrieve contains a "dirty" passport, it should be removed from the list
Best practices (2) How many days to try a SubmitExchange if for any reason (i.e. technical issue) a submission fails should be tried for maximum 60 days (to be discussed) and then discarded How many days to try a RetrievePassports if a passport is not found retry for maximum 60 days (to be discussed) after the date of the departure Changes to the XSD that can break the client announced 90 days before the deployment Once your flow is drafted send it to the EC-SANTE for feedback and comments
Thank you! References Direct contact BOVEX bundles on CIRCA-BC Direct contact