Plot each term on a grid like the one shown. Sequences A1.1 Core Starter Here is a number pattern or sequence made by adding 8 to the previous term. 8 16 24 32 40 … Plot each term on a grid like the one shown. Make the last digit the up- (or y-) coordinate and the other digits the across- (or x-) coordinate. So for example, 8 is plotted as (0, 8) and so on. Continue the pattern – what do you notice? Experiment with another sequence of your choice. Preamble This activity will revise simple table, sequence and coordinate work already encountered by pupils in Key Stage 2. By its nature it should reveal any serious misconceptions. It is suitable for small group or whole class work, with pupils reporting back on their results. Results could be written up for homework - this would provide literacy opportunities. Possible content Tables, use of coordinates, explaining and describing results, time management. Resources Squared paper – perhaps already with labelled axes. Solutions/Notes Resulting points always produce a saw-tooth pattern.