« Migration Statistics Mainstreaming Some evidence from the 2008 LFS ad hoc module in PT « Emília Saleiro 11 March 2010 «
« Migration Statistics Mainstreaming « The growing importance of migratory phenomenon in Portugal: The proportion of foreigners was 0.5% in 1980 and 4.1% in 2008 Immigration, particularly foreign immigrants, has played an increasing role in the Portuguese demographic dynamics, not only by the impact in net migration but also a large part of natural increase in Portugal has currently to do with foreign populations «
« Migration Statistics Mainstreaming « The proportion of foreign parents in live births is increasing and it is today (2008) 11.9% The proportion among deaths is close to zero (0.3%, 2008), due to the age selectivity of migration «
» Foreign population with legal status of residence, Portugal, 1980-2008 Source: Statistics Portugal and SEF (Immigration and Borders Service) «
» Foreign population with legal status of residence per inhabitant (%), Portugal, 1980-2008 Source: Statistics Portugal and SEF (Immigration and Borders Service) «
Diversity of nationalities » Foreign population with legal status of residence, by country of citizenship (major 6), Portugal, 2000 and 2008 Cape Verde is the most significant nationality (22.7%); Together, the PALOP countries represent 45.0% of foreigners; United Kingdom (6.8%) and Spain (5.9%) are among the 6 most significant nationalities Brazil is the most significant nationality (24.5%), followed by Ukraine (12.0%, in opposition to 0.1% by 2000); Cape Verde is now on the third place (11.7%); Romania represents 6.1% (0.2% by 2000) Together, the PALOP countries represent 26.8% of foreigners; PALOP and Brazil represent 51.3%. PALOP – Former Portuguese colonies «
2008 LFS ad hoc module on “The labour market situation of migrants and their descendents” The Portuguese resident population aged 15 to 74 years was estimated in 8 138.5 thousand individuals 90.5% - individuals and both parents were natural born 7.9% - individuals were born abroad (immigrants) 1.6% -individuals were natural born but with at least one of the parents born abroad (immediate descendents) Distribution of individuals aged 15 to 74 years, by migratory background and sex
migrants and their immediate descendants 2008 LFS ad hoc module 776.2 thousands refers to individuals born abroad or with at least one of the parents born abroad (9.5%) migrants and their immediate descendants 454.7 thousands with PT citizenship (5.5%) 321.5 thousands with other citizenship (4.0%) Distribution of individuals aged 15 to 74 years, by migratory background and citizenship (Portuguese and other) «
2008 LFS ad hoc module » Distribution of individuals aged 15 to 74 years, by migratory background according to labour status In both cases, the large majority are employed, however the proportion is slight higher among the migrants and their immediate descendents (68.8% vs 62.4%) On the other hand, the percentage of unemployed is higher among the migrants and their immediate descendents (7.2% vs 4.8%) «
2008 LFS ad hoc module The large majority (88%) of the individuals aged 15 to 74 years, born abroad and economically active do not need to improve Portuguese language skills to get an appropriate job Related to the fact that the majority of these individuals are from Portuguese speaking countries (African former Portuguese colonies and Brazil) Individuals aged 15 to 74 years, born abroad and economically active according to the need to improve Portuguese language skills to get an appropriate job (%)
Thank you! «