Act 3 of The Crucible By Arthur Miller Time Line Activity Act 3 of The Crucible By Arthur Miller
Step 1 Create a time line Reminders What happened in Act 3? List 5-7 of the most important events in this part of the play. Make sure you choose the BIG events – don’t get lost in the details. Use characters as a starting place – what happened to John? Abby? Danforth?
Step 2 Add to the time line Reminders Now, you will add a layer to your timeline. Under each event, add a question you have. For example, if you were completing this for Act 2, you may ask, “Why can’t Elizabeth let go of the affair?” Think BIG PICTURE – ask questions about motivation. Use this as a place to clear up confusion. Are you not following the action? Take a minute with your group to ask clarification questions.
Add to the time line AGAIN Step 3 Add to the time line AGAIN Reminders Now, you will add another layer to your timeline. Under each question, come up with some sort of response. This may be a prediction, or you may just take an educated guess. USE THE TEXT to answer your own questions. Sometimes, you just have to go back and read more carefully, or just discuss the Act with your group.