CIS work programme 2010-2012 Supporting the implementation of the first river basin management plans Water Directors' Meeting 30 November and 1 December.


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Presentation transcript:

CIS work programme 2010-2012 Supporting the implementation of the first river basin management plans Water Directors' Meeting 30 November and 1 December 2009

Earlier agreements Key objectives: Simplification Direct relevance for implementation WFD, GWD, EQS D, FD Better dissemination Agreement on main activities and organisational issues of future CIS work programme 2010-2012 Working Groups: permanent group, subgroups possible Expert Groups: temporal group Ad hoc activities: one-off activity / workshop (nomination per event)

CIS Organisation 2010-2012 Water Directors Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Permanent Working Groups Temporary Expert Groups Working Group A “Ecological Status” Lead: JRC, DE, UK Working Group D “Reporting” Lead: DG ENV, EEA,FR Working Group F “Floods” Lead: DG ENV, IE “Climate Change and Water” Lead: DE, DG ENV “Agriculture and Water” Lead: FR, UK Working Group C “Groundwater” Lead: DG ENV, AT Working Group E “Chemical Aspects” Lead: DG ENV, SE, JRC, IT,FR “Water scarcity &droughts” Lead: IT/ES/FR

State of Play No or only editorial changes after SCG: WG C Groundwater WG D Reporting and WISE WG F Floods EG Climate Change Changes in line with discussions at SCG and comments received after SCG WG A Ecological Status WG E Chemical Aspects EG Water Scarcity and Droughts EG Agriculture Ad hoc activity Biodiversity Ad hoc activity Science Policy Interface Ad hoc activity Economics

Points of attention Ad hoc activities on Biodiversity and Economics: Invitation to appoint MS representatives to contribute to preparation of workshops – also to host the workshops Letter EC on Biodiversity and Water: Proposal for future joint meeting of Water and Nature Directors and suggestions / comments for FAQ Paper Number of workshops in CIS work programme 2010-2012

Workshops Ad hoc activities: 2010 Economics, Biodiversity 2011/2012: Hydromorphology, Exemptions WG A: Info exchange on comparability of classification methods – tbd WG C: no topic identified, but possibility is mentioned WG D: WISE-GIS - tbd WG F: 2-3 thematic workshops each year 2010: Flood risk management plans, Flash floods, Economics EG Climate Change: one workshop per year – tbd EG Agriculture: one workshop per year – tbd All workshop outlines will be presented to the SCG for agreement

Better dissemination For period 2010-2012: Circa access to local, regional, national administrators Restructuring Circa Meeting calendar extended, public and regularly updated Summaries per activity

Request to Water Directors Discuss and agree Work Programme including Mandates for 5 Working Groups Mandates for 3 Expert groups Outline for 3 ad hoc activities Agree that work programme with annexed mandates (excluding outlines ad hoc activities) are made available to the public