ENERGY CONSUMPTION & AVAILIABILITY IN TANZANIA -Brief Presentation to the Jatropha Agriculture Conference- By Eng.James L.Ngeleja-MSc.Mechanical Engineering (1982-Cuba) Principal Environment Management Officer(NEMC) Member (NAG&REWG)-March,2011
ENERGY RESOURCE & CONSUMPTION Tz is endowed with significant quantities of energy resources-(Hydropower 4700 MW-Large & small);Coal;Natural gas;Solar;Wind & Biomass Energy consumption especially for modern energy (electricity) is very low see comparison from 2009 World Energy Statistics with other countries (Netherland-popul-16.4 mill-7229 kwh per capita; Sweden-popul kwh; Tanzania-42.3 mill-84 kwh; Kenya kwh) TZ 2008 total energy consumption is about 22 million TOE broken into Petroleum-(8%-mostly for transport, industry and power generation) ;Electricity-(2% for household, sector industry and commerce) & Biomass- (90% mostly for cooking and heating in households and commercial-SMEs)
BIOMASS ENERGY CONSUMPTION CATEGORIES Households-about8.5 million country wide (rural and urban;I nstitutions and SMEs) Biomass fuels-(Jatropha, Croton,Ethanol,Methane,bio-briquettes,pellets) Biomass Cogeneration and Gasification- (for electricity and thermal in industry and SMEs) TZ consumes more biomass energy in its inefficient traditional way for cooking. For example Charcoal consumption as per 2008 WWF Study is about 2650 tons daily Dar-es Salaam City alone Charcoal consumption l is worth 350 million US Dollars and national wide is worth 650 million Dollars–WB 2009
BIOMASS IMPACTS AND AVAILIABILITY Biomass Supply sources are currently not sustainable and that have significant negative environmental problems notably deforestation Biomass energy consumption on its traditional form has negative health impacts as well However Biomass resource is available from forest plantations and wood industry. In the wood industry alone about 1.2 million tons in wood residues is available that could generate about 128Gwh(NEMC,2008) Crop waste/Agricultural waste e.g coconut husks and shells; sisal waste maize: cobs rice husks; cotton stalks could be harnessed to address rural energy needs sustainably Implementation of VPO2006 Strategy where 1.5 million trees are planted annually has good progress - over80% performance
WAY FORWARD FOR SUSTAINABLE RURAL ENERGY Promotion of Small farmers (campesinos/guajiros) for decentralized small power plant systems e.g kW using Jatropha fuels cultivated from their own land without jeopardizing the food security Promote the use of Jatropha gasifier stoves for cooking to reduce/eliminate indoor air pollution which is source of respiratory track diseases (RTDs) to people in rural households mainly Promote the use of Jatropha oil in lighting lamps instead of kerosene lamps in order to save foreign currency from importing kerosene Contract faming in partnership with large scale farming (Chiapa State- Mexico)