EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WEB BASED TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION I acknowledge and understand as an employee with this company, I am required as a condition of continued employment to complete all the assigned tasks on my home page within this web site. I acknowledge and understand that the assigned tasks are not completed until I have successfully passed all the tests associated with the assigned tasks. I also understand that I must complete these tasks and tests no later than my 30th day of employment and failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WEB BASED TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION I further acknowledge and understand that changes to company policy and procedure will be posted on the web site as such changes occur and that I must log on at least once every two weeks to review the "News List" located at the top of my web page. Failure to comply will lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. The company will be reviewing all completed task reports and past-due task reports, as well as usage reports for all employees, to ensure compliance with this program. My completion of the questions listed behind the test button shown below will serve as my acknowledgment and understanding of this policy.