Tge Request to ANA Srinivas Kandala Sharp Labs of America, Inc. November 2002 Tge Request to ANA Srinivas Kandala Sharp Labs of America, Inc. E-Mail: Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs
Tge needs Capability bit for automatic power save delivery (APSD) Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 November 2002 Tge needs Capability bit for automatic power save delivery (APSD) IE IDs for Schedule, APSD and Random data Would like to have Schedule have the IE ID of 15 Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs John Doe, His Company
Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 November 2002 Motion Move to request ANA to assign capability bit for APSD mode and IE numbers for Schedule (preferably with a value of 15), APSD and Random data elements. Srinivas Kandala, Sharp Labs John Doe, His Company