Introduction to CBS-16
Introduction to CBS-16 Using the website Understanding the documents Flow of work
Using the website Documents for discussion Background information Work plan Presentations
Documents for discussion Still to discuss
Documents for discussion Still to discuss 1. Click on …
Documents for discussion Still to discuss 1. Click on … 2. Click on …
Documents for discussion Still to discuss 1. Click on … 2. Click on … 3. And Download a Copy
Documents for discussion Completed
Understanding the documents
Types of document Type Description INF Additional information supporting a Doc. Not for discussion; no status in the meeting; is included in the “Part 2” report. DOC DRAFT 1/2 Pre-session document. Draft 1 – initial version. Draft 2 – track changes showing proposed amendments made before the session. DRAFT 2/3/… In-session document. Track changes from previous version. APPROVED Document approved during the session. This shows track changes from the previous version.
Structure of CBS-16 documents Section Content Decisions Place on record instructions/directives to the OPAGs or Management Group that follow from CBS, Congress or EC Resolutions or Decisions, or that provide records of CBS opinion/observations on a specific topic, procedural decisions and other decisions pertaining to the internal matters of CBS. Resolutions Formal formal decisions on matters that concern the internal activities of the Commission. Recommendations Recommendations to Executive Council or to Congress on amendments to Technical Regulations or the Manuals and Guides managed by CBS, or other decisions that require action by all WMO Members or by other constituent bodies. Background Additional information that is essential to support the decision being asked for. This should be short and so far as possible refer to pre-existing documents for more detail. This part of the document will not appear in the final report.
Flow of work
Flow of work During session Draft 1 to Approved Draft n+1 n Discussion Interventions Indicate that you want to speak and wait to be asked. Be brief. Send your changes to the document to (in English) Draft n+1 n Discussion Secretariat will include editorial changes found by translators App Draft n Discussion After session Approved to report Final App Editing
Email your intervention To: How you show changes Subject – include document number, topic and your country Where in document? The change(s) Many changes Attach a Word doc with track changes instead of listing them Purely editorial (spelling, document numbers…) – email – no need to intervene
Thank you Merci