History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Reformation Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111
The Renaissance The Reformation ?
Reformation What were the challenges to the Church’s power and prestige in the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance? Why was Northern Europe and not Southern Europe the place where Renaissance questioning led to religious upheaval?
Beginnings in Late Middle Ages effects of plague, scandal and spiritual crisis Divisions within the Church Babylonian Captivity How to deal with Corruption Heresy: Muted Calls for Reform John Wycliffe and Jan Hus The Bible not the Church is the source of all Christian truth.
Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam Northern Renaissance Disillusionment and Anger Speaking out against the Church’s extravagance and creative financing (e.g. gross misuse of indulgences.) Using ancient learning to effect moral and religious reform. 2 Protesters: 2 Approaches Erasmus Luther Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466/69 - 1536
Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched. Erasmus-Duck Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.
Using your homework, copy and fill in the missing elements of this graphic organizer emphasizing the main ideas of Section 3.
Europe: late 16th Century
Reformation Ideas Spread A tale of 3 countries England Break with Rome The Elizabethan Settlement France Civil War Edict of Nantes (1598) Holy Roman Empire The Thirty Years’ War The Peace of Westphalia (1648) St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre: 1572
Assignment 1 Read text, pp. 424-426 Identify all blue terms and answer Checkpoint question, pp. 426 Complete Analyzing Art, pp. 424 Answer question: Chart Skills, pp 426 Martin Luther 1483-1546 He uses dramatic language, “casting the die for all eternity.” He is making it clear that reconciliation with the Catholic Church is impossible A Monk Rebels What kind of language does Luther use to make his points? What was his purpose?
Assignment 2 Read text, pp. 427 Identify all blue terms and answer Checkpoint question, 427 Complete graphic organizer (photocopy) Auto-Test John Calvin 1509-1564
I have no desire to make windows into men's souls. Assignment 3 Read text (incl. biography,) pp.428-430 Identify all blue terms and answer biography and 2 Checkpoint questions. Elizabeth I 1533-1603 I have no desire to make windows into men's souls. Terms: Sect: a religious group emerging from the Reformation. Assignment 4: Project due Tomorrow
Assignment 5 Read text, pp. 431-433. Identify all blue terms and answer and 2 Checkpoint questions. Complete Map Assignment Auto-Test St. Ignatius of Loyola 1491 - 1556