10: Capacity Building 10.1 Report in the IHO CBSC Meeting & Actions CB activities carried out in the region since the 15th SWPHC Meeting - Nadi, NFiji (21-22 February 2018) IHO CBSC CBSC16 meeting 2018 – Report IHO SWPHC CB Activities IHO CB Activities Non-IHO CB Activities - NZ Pacific Regional Navigation Initiative (PRNI), UK Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME), Others : SPC, JICA, IMO Training, IALA 10.2 Update on the 3-year Capacity Building Plan 10.3 Future Capacity Building Initiatives
IHO SWPHC CB Activities 2018 (CBWP18) P-05 Feb 2018 2 Day Technical Workshop on Implementing Hydrographic Governance (linked with SWPHC15 - Feb 2018) DONE P-11 August 2018 MSI Training Course DONE P-32 MBES Training for Fiji (former 2017 CBWP P-10) (UKHO) Postponed to 2018?? Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register
IHO MS CB Activities 1 from SWPHC - Indonesia (Mr Heru KURNIAWAN) CL 04&27/18 - IHO – Nippon Foundation Chart Project 10th Course in Marine Cartography and Data Assessment S-8B Category B, funded by the Nippon Foundation and training facilities provided by UKHO, 3 September – 14 December 2018 1 from SWPHC - Indonesia (Mr Heru KURNIAWAN) Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register
Non-IHO CB Activities New Zealand Aid Programme – Pacific Regional Navigation Initiative (PRNI) UK - Commonwealth Marine Economies (CME) Others SPC, JICA, IMO, IALA Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register
IHO SWPHC CB Activities 2019 (CBWP19) Projects submitted to CBSC16 Meeting (Goa, India 30 May – 1 Jun 2018) 2 projects (activities) were submitted to the CBSC16 Meeting and approved P-12 Technical Workshop on Disaster Response planning & Data Discovery (linked with SWPHC16 - Feb 2019) DONE Technical Assessment & advice visit to Palau (NGA) 2 projects (activities) were carried over from 2018 CBWP A-01 Samoa Technical Implementation Visit (LINZ) A-02 Niue Technical Implementation Visit (LINZ) Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register
10.2 SWPHC 3yr CB plan 2019-2021 A3 Word table Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register
10.3 CB submissions to CBSC17 2019 for 2020 2-Day Technical Workshop - Priority #1 (linked with SWPHC17) Noting the IHO CB Strategy – all coastal states to achieve Phase 1 in a sustainable manner and new IHO performance measure TBC MSI for managers (governance, i.e. management of the service) with NAVAREA XIV & X – challenges & achievements MSI analysis & report from coastal state, NAVAREA & PCA Disaster framework for SWPHC MSI Training, Fiji? (NAVAREA XIV & X) Train the Trainer (MSAF Sunil Kumar), approx. €3000 CB Strategy for SWPHC ?? Output 1: data received from SPC for Cooks, Niue, Samoa and Tonga. Assessment made and some used for updating charts Output 3: Capability / Capacity building component – to get to Phase 1. Includes in-country MSI training Recognise there are a number of visits from others – IALA, SPC and PMSP as part of other regional programmes. A real need to be joined up and better at sharing planned visits, particularly where LINZ and SPC have cross-over in terms of AtoN. Under Output 3 LINZ to assist with working through IALA/SPC recommendations wrt AtoN i.e. AtoN register