Lipids Mme Mazerolle
Lipids - Say what? Lipids are also known as FATS, oils, lecithin, and cholesterol. Easily stored in your body. Your body NEEDS certain amount of lipids to function. If not – skin, reproductive system, liver, and kidney can be affected.
Say what? Lipids = Fat Lipids = Hydrophobic = don’t like water – Don’t mix! (oil, butter) Have A LOT of energy inside lipids. SO – If you aren’t eating – it takes the fat from your body. BUT – If you are eating – never uses energy = fat.
Of what are they made? Lipids are composed of Fatty Acids and Glycerol.
How much? You should be getting 20-30% of calories from fat. 1g of fat = 9 calories 4.2g of fat = 1 teaspoon As per the Canadian Food Guide, you should only have 30-45 ml (grams) of unsaturated fat daily.
But why do I need fat? Many functions! Normal growth & development Body heat Shock absorber Cell structure Carries hormones & vitamins **Provides energy (9 cal. Per gram vs 4 cal. Protein/carbs)
I need energy! Fat is stored within specialized cells called adipocytes (adipose tissues). Fatty acids and glycerol are converted into triglycerides which are stored in the adipocytes as an energy store. When energy is required, triglycerides are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. The glycerol creates energy.
Dr oz – what visceral fat does to the body… 2EjM
3 classes of lipids Triglycerides Phospholipids Sterols
Triglycerides Type of fat found in your blood. Main form of fat found in your body (hips, belly…) When you eat, your body converts any unused calories (once you have enough Glycogen) into triglycerides which are stored in your fat cells (adipose tissue). More tissue = More fat. Triglycerides released later as energy. Too high… Raise risk of heart disease and stroke, Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
Phospholipids Made up of a glycerol head (hydrophilic – loves H2O), 2 fatty acid chains (hydrophobic – hates H2O), and a phosphate group. They join together (chains) into bilayer. Make up the contour of our cell membranes. Lecithin – Helps blend materials that wouldn’t usually mix. (water & oil)
Sterols Cholesterols Produces steroid hormones which develop physical traits & plays role in reproduction. Bile – Digest food Regulates blood sugar & defends body against infections. Liver makes cholesterol & from what you eat. 2 Types : LDL & HDL
LDL HDL LDL VS hdl Bad cholesterol Good cholesterol Contributes to plaque & buildup = Atherosclerosis Removes LDL from arteries. Carries LDL back to the liver (breaks apart)
Classes of lipids Triglycerides Phospholipids Sterols 3 fatty acids + glycerol. - Fats found in the body Energy & insulation Fats & Oils - Butter, lard, margarine, olive oil… Allows water & fat to form emulsifiers (stabilize fat & water) Lecithin (made by liver). Hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone), Vitamin D, Cholesterol
Decreases LDL, increases HDL Triglycerides Saturated Solid Clogs arteries Increases LDL & HDL Unsaturated Liquid Lowers heart disease Decreases LDL, increases HDL Trans Last longer
s Kink in the chain = liquid.
Hydrogenation Oil : Liquid Solid Improves shelf life. If food oil is exposed to oxygen, it may turn rancid (spoils). Detrimental to your health.
Heart Health Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Leading cause of death worldwide Plaque Build up of cholesterol in arteries Atherosclerosis Harden plaque Heart Attacks Blood cannot flow. Stroke Blood clot
Other factors! These factors are uncontrollable. Age Gender (male) Race Family History
You can control… Smoking High blood pressure High blood cholesterol Diabetes Excess weight Inactivity Stress & Personality
What about cancer? Cancer = Abnormal cell growth. Second leading cause of death. High fat diets increase the chances of : Colon, breast, prostate cancer, etc. What can I do?? Choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains.
What should I do? Eat fish – Avoid pills = High omega-3 fatty acids (good) Fat detector = avoid/limit fats Read labels = know your food 20-30% daily intake of calories = fat (GOOD fat)
Healthy vs Bad fat EAT! Cold water fish (salmon, cod, trout, tuna) Plant oils (canola, flax seed) Nuts & Seeds
Review What are lipids? Of what are lipids made? How much should I be eating? Name 6 functions of lipids. How are lipids converted into energy? (storage, etc). What are the 3 classes of lipids? What are triglycerides? What are phospholipids? What are sterols? What is the difference between LDL and HDL? What is the difference between saturated, unsaturated, and trans fats? Explain how heart diseases happen. What are 4 uncontrollable factors? Name 3 controllable factors. Name a few examples of good fat.
What are lipids? Lipids are fats, oils, cholesterol, and lecithin. They are essential to your diet. They are hydrophobic = hate water.
Of what are lipids made? Glycerol + Fatty acids
How much should I be eating? 20-30% of fat from calories 30-45ml each day (unsaturated)
6 functions Energy (9 vs 4) Normal growth and development Cell membranes Shock absorber Body heat Hormones
energy Fatty acids and glycerol is transfered into triglycerides and stored in adipocytes (adipose tissues). Once energy is needed, it is transformed again into fatty acids and glycerol. Your glycerol is used as energy.
3 classes Triglycerides Phospholipids Sterols
Triglycerides 3 fatty acids + glycerol Main fat found in your body. Used as energy (broken apart) + tissue = + fat = atherosclerosis.
Phospholipids Made up of hydrophilic (love) and hydrophobic (hate) parts. Make up the bilayer of your cell’s membrane. Lecithin : Created to mix oil and water.
Sterols Liver makes your cholesterol : Hormone, Bile, Infections Good vs Bad cholesterol HDL vs LDL
LDL vs HDL LDL HDL Leaves cholesterol in arteries. Helps ride arteries of cholesterol. BAD GOOD Build up – atherosclerosis Brings build up back to liver (broken apart)
Saturated, unsaturated, trans Bad Good Really bad Solid Liquid Last longer Clogs arteries Lowers heart disease
Heart disease Your bad cholesterol builds up in your arteries creating plaque. Plaque builds up and hardens. Blood cannot flow properly through arteries. Blood clot can happen = dislodges = stroke Arteries clog up entirely = heart attack.
4 uncontrollable factors Race Family history Gender Age
Controllable factors What you eat Exercise Stress Diabetes High blood pressure High blood cholesterol Excess weight Smoking
Good fats Plant oils (flax, canola, etc) Cold water fish (Salmon, Cod, Tuna, Trout) Nuts & seeds