Evolution Lesson Plans
Biology I –Friday, 3/6/15 In Q: SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: View IMAX Galapagos & do movie worksheet Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in movie worksheet Out Q: Name one adaptation of the marine iguana.
Biology I –Monday, 3/9/15 In Q: What is evolution? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Theory of Evolution Notes Do “How Do Species Change Over Time?” Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments Out Q: What is Lamarck’s theory of Acquired Characteristics?
Biology I –Tuesday, 3/10/15 In Q: What is Darwin’s theory of natural selection? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Theory of Evolution Notes Do Evolution Munchkin book Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments Out Q: What is variation?
Biology I –Wednesday, 3/11/15 In Q: Identify an idea with which both Darwin and Lamarck were in agreement. SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Finish evolution notes – per. 3-4 View Darwin’s Dangerous Idea & do movie worksheet Reminders (copy in agenda): Quarter 3 ends on 3/27; Evolution test will be Friday, 3/27 Out Q: How does DNA help explain the divergence in hummingbirds?
Biology I –Thursday, 3/12/15 In Q: Identify an idea with which both Darwin and Lamarck were in agreement. SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Finish evolution notes – per. 5-7 View Darwin’s Dangerous Idea & do movie worksheet Reminders (copy in agenda): Quarter 3 ends on 3/27; Evolution test will be Friday, 3/27 Out Q: How does DNA help explain the divergence in hummingbirds?
Biology I –Friday, 3/13/15 In Q: How do new species arise according to Darwin’s theory of evolution? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Finish Darwin’s Dangerous Idea & Turn in movie sheet Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May or May Not Evolve”; Write a one-page, double spaced essay describing which one you think will happen and why Extra credit essay (one page double spaced): Explain why some people think Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Descent with modification) is dangerous. Reminders (copy in agenda): Quarter 3 ends on 3/27; Evolution test will be Friday, 3/27 Out Q: Why don’t drugs stop HIV like happens with other illnesses?
Biology I –Monday, 3/16/15 In Q: What is the beginning of success for species? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Guest Speaker Mr. Williams – per. 3 Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May or May Not Evolve”; Write a one-page, double spaced essay describing which one you think will happen and why Extra credit essay (one page double spaced): Explain why some people think Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Descent with modification) is dangerous. Do Evolution by Natural Selection worksheet Reminders (copy in agenda): Quarter 3 ends on 3/27; Evolution test will be Friday, 3/27 Out Q: What is an adaptation?
Biology I –Tuesday, 3/17/15 In Q: To a breeder of dogs, an “ugly duckling” would be the runt of the litter, i.e. not worth much. What was the “ugly duckling” as far as Darwin was concerned? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Guest Speaker Mr. Williams – per. 6-7 Read “Future Humans: Four Ways We May or May Not Evolve”; Write a one-page, double spaced essay describing which one you think will happen and why Extra credit essay (one page double spaced): Explain why some people think Darwin’s Dangerous Idea (Descent with modification) is dangerous. Do Evolution by Natural Selection worksheet Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in Evolution assignments is test day on Friday, 3/27 Out Q: Name one imperfection of the vertebrate eye.
Biology I –Wednesday, 3/18/15 In Q: What are the 3 conditions needed for evolution by natural selection? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Natural Selection Simulation – Woolybooger lab Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments Agenda check is Friday, 3/20/15 Out Q: What happens to animals that cannot compete as well with other animals in the wild?
Biology I –Thursday, 3/19/15 In Q: What are the 3 conditions needed for evolution by natural selection? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Evolution by Natural Selection worksheet – per. 6-7 Do Natural Selection Simulation – Woolybooger lab Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments Agenda check is Friday, 3/20/15 Out Q: What happens to animals that cannot compete as well with other animals in the wild?
Biology I –Friday, 3/20/15 In Q: Which woolyboogers tended to survive in our natural selection simulation? Why? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Evidence of Evolution Turn in/have graded Science Agenda Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in the science notebook is Friday, 3/27/15 Out Q: What are the 4 major pieces of evidence for evolution?
Biology I –Monday, 3/23/15 In Q: What is embryology? How does it provide evidence for evolution? SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Guest speaker – Mr. Williams – per. 2 Do Comparing Homologous Structures Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in the science notebook is test day on Friday, 3/27/15 Out Q: What is a homologous structure? Give an example of one.
Biology I –Tuesday, 3/24/15 In Q: What is an analgous structure? Give an example of one. SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Guest speaker – Mr. Williams – per. 4 (rm. 116), per. 5 Do Classification of Living Things Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in the science notebook is Friday, 3/27/15 Out Q: What are the 4 major pieces of evidence for evolution?
Biology I –Wednesday, 3/25/15 In Q: What is a homologous structure? Give an example of one. SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Natural Selection Comic Strip Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in the science notebook is Friday, 3/27 Out Q: What is an analogous structure? Give an example of one.
Biology I –Thursday, 3/26/15 In Q: What is a homologous structure? Give an example of one. SWBAT: Describe the relationship between speciation, and natural and artificial selection Activities: Do Natural Selection Comic Strip Complete & Turn in Evolution assignments Reminders (copy in agenda): Turn in Evolution assignments The last day to turn in the science notebook is Friday, 3/27 Out Q: What is an analogous structure? Give an example of one.
Biology I – Friday, 3/27/15 In Q: SWBAT: Show understanding of evolution material via testing Activities: Do Evolution post-test Turn in missing evolution assignments, science notebook Reminders (copy in agenda): The first unit we will work on in quarter 4 is Ecology Happy Spring Break! See you Monday, 4/6/15 Out Q: