Town of Plattsburgh Street Light 2012 Proposal
Sold to Municipalities starting in 1950 Extra Energy was in the grid during off peak hours. NYSE&G began renting Street Lights to municipalities to use some of that energy, and of course make money off energy that was already made. For over 60 years we have continued on this course, renting equipment, and buying energy.
Rental of Equipment costs the Town of Plattsburgh $93,000 in $13,215 in Street Lighting costs were paid for out of General Fund for intersections not in a lighting district. 105 Street Lights were paid for by General Funds. Residents in a Street Light District paid twice for these 105 Street Lights.
No Preventive Maintenance with NYSE&G Bottom of the Food Chain Town currently owns part of the Street Light Inventory. Town Staff is already Trained Faster response and repair time. CHEAPER
$100,000 Plus Interest on Ban Per year for 4 Years Equipment Buyout (4 Years) $18,200 Electrical Disconnects (One Time Cost) $50,000 Used 45 Bucket Truck (Used should last 10 years) Pole Connection Fee $10,612 (Annual) Electricity $23,105 (Annual) Maintenance Equipment $25,000 (Annual) Insurance $ (Annual) Return To General Fund $30,000 (Annual) Salary and benefits for employees maintaining Street Lights.
Light Fixture$300 Photo Eye$6 Lamp$12 Disconnect$15 Misc. Hardware$25 Aluminum Arm (Avg.)$314 ($150 - $512) Labor (Town Employees)$270 Total Cost $942
Visit 12.5% of street lights per year Change lamp, and clean the lens Check photo cell and ballast Cleaning the lens improve light 20% Cost for lamps each year Approx. $2000 Preventive maintenance will mean fewer outages and fewer service calls Time to complete work – 2 men, 3 weeks per year
Only 8 ½ Percent of property in the Town is not currently in a lighting District 103 Million in property not currently in a lighting district but should be 6 Million in property owned by NYSE&G not currently in a lighting district
2013 Total assessed value is 1.4 Billion In projecting tax rates we have projected 15 million in growth each year In the past 10 years the Town has grown at an average rate of 34 million per year
Shouldnt we all share the cost!