Story: African American Inventors


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Presentation transcript:

Story: African American Inventors Week 3, Week of Oct 30, 2017 Issue # 2nd 9 Weeks Mrs. Castellano's Class Homework Weekly Objectives As part of your 20 minutes reading time, please use istation; storyline online; bookflix: jdrugan. PW: bookflix Monday– Read your fluency folder pages: 18-19 (time for one minute); Write spelling words three times each. Math: p.Week 12. Bring homework to school everyday. Read HIGH FREQUENCY WORDS Tuesday– Read your fluency folder Pages: 18-19 (time for one minute). Math: p.Week 12. Write spelling words in ABC order. High frequency words. Wednesday- Read your fluency folder Pages: 18-19 (time for one minute); Math: p.Week 12. Write a sentence for all spelling words.High Freque Words. Thursday- Read your fluency folder Pages: 18-19 (time for one minute); Math: p.Week 12. Ask parents to give you a practice spelling test. Practice the ones you missed. Write a sentence for all your vocabulary words. Read High Frequency words everyday. Friday-Tests on story of the week, spelling words, vocabulary words . I will send the tests on Friday. Please sign and return them. If you don’t get them, please write me a note in the agenda. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math – Problem solving with add/sub, money. Science – Patterns of movement. Social Studies – Government and Taxes. Spelling Words Pattern: Long u: ue, u_e, ew fuel, cube, few, chew, use, mule, cue, cute, huge, tube, new, stew, threw, pollute, mew Vocabulary Words Story: African American Inventors 1. Allowed: To give permission. Let. 2.Powerful: Very strong. Full of power. 3.Invented: Made something new. 4.Instrument: A tool that helps do a job. 5.Products: Things you buy in a store. 6.Design: A plan to make something new. ------------ Social Studies Landmark Project------------------- A sheet with home project details was glued and sent home in the agenda on Oct. 16, 2017 along with a rubric with the student expectations. This project is due no later than November 27, 2017. No late projects will be accepted. The three grades will include the following: Landmark Project. Students can use a poster board or digital project such as PowerPoint. Written Report –Write a report about your landmark project (See attached Rubric to see what is expected on this report) Class Presentation The work must be neat and organized. Students must be familiar with their project. Please see my John Drugan Web page if the sheet is lost. If students turn in projects early, they receive an extra 100%. Important Dates: Friday, Oct. 27 Fieldtrip to Pumpkin Patch. No backpacks. Students can take a small string backpack with water and a small snack such as fruit roll up or fruit. Oct. 31 Class party. Bring small treats or goodies to share. No cakes or cupcakes. Oct. 31 Haunted House. Fairy Tale Parade. No masks, clowns, or scary characters; and parade on this day. Red Ribbon Week: Oct 23 to Oct 31. Friday, November 10- No classes. Veteran’s Day Holiday. November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break. No classes. Classes resume Nov. 27, 2017. Please no absences.