GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE YourGovernment GOVERNMENT STATUS UPDATE Island Government Finance Officers’ Association (IGFOA) May 17-23, 2019 Los Angeles, California
(YOUR GOVT) FY 18 Audit Status Describe the current status of your FY18 audit. Insert your comments here Describe any expected changes in your qualifications and findings from prior years. Have you had any unusual challenges for the FY18 audit? Does your government have a structural deficit? If so, how do you as the finance officer help address the issue? At this point, do you expect any delays or other problems with your FY18 audit? May 2019 Summer Conference
Status of (YOUR GOVT) action plans Planning Area Major accomplishment Select ONE area of your action plan and describe your accomplishment(s) Insert your comments here How did you communicate the plan to Finance office managers and staff? Who was involved in the process to address the specific action plan? How did you involve upper management and/or elected officials? What further actions are necessary to maintain or improve the status? May 2019 Summer Conference
(YOUR GOVT) Action Plans During our December 2018 meeting, there were several best practices which were highlighted either by our subject matter expert presenters or by one of our members. Let us know if you implemented any of the best practices. Did you change your passwords? Did you require a policy/procedure to require finance staff to change passwords? How long is the required password for your FMIS? Insert your comments here Did you set up or discuss setting up a leave code in the payroll system to capture training hours for finance employees? Have you begun a more regular practice for completing performance evaluations of your staff? May 2019 Summer Conference
(YOUR GOVT) Performance Measures List the IGFOA performance measures where your office consistently achieves your target. Insert your comments here List the IGFOA performance measures where your office has not been able to meet target What are the issues holding you back from meeting your target for the measures above? Which measure areas are most critical to you, as a finance manager? May 2019 Summer Conference
What is your target for this measure? Why is this measure important? What is your plan to improve this measure? When do you expect to meet your goal? Select one measure which needs improvement. Present that measure with a graphical trend line to show your change over time There are examples after the instruction slide May 2019 Summer Conference
(YOUR GOVT) Performance Measures Describe it here Describe in some detail how you and your staff collect the data for the previous measure. Do you use your FMIS? What files and which module? Is the data downloaded into Excel? Do you have to filter or “clean” some of the data? OR do you use a manual or excel based log book? What formula is used to calculate the measure? What issues or problems do you have collecting the data and calculating the measure? How long does it take the collect the data? May 2019 Summer Conference
(your government) Finance Office Challenges Insert your comments here What is the greatest challenge in your financial operations? Insert your comments here How could you resolve that challenge? How would you measure whether your improvement plan is working? Do you have challenges with cash flow, personnel turnover, a bad system, inadequate training? Or inefficient processes? Think about what you’d fix tomorrow if you had the resources. May 2019 Summer Conference
(YOUR GOVT) What is one recent finance office accomplishment you would like to highlight? May 2019 Summer Conference