What kind of advisor are you?
Who am I? Brittany Neunuebel, Ed.D. Personally Professionally Advisor at HBCU, Research Institution, and currently a Liberal Arts Institution Why am I interested in the approaches to advising? Hats – MANY Being what my students need
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http://bit.ly/2F0vgfP Advising Survey Please follow this link to a survey about the four main advising styles: http://bit.ly/2F0vgfP If you don’t know what something is, let me know – I’ll give you a description. You can’t choose more than one – pick your top answer!
Types of Advisors Which one did you get? We will go over these in a moment – but based off of the title, what do you think it means?
Prescriptive Academic advising Historic and best known–Crookston in the 1970s Traditional relationship between advisor and student. Think doctor/patient (hence Prescriptive = Prescription…) Student will not have to accept responsibility if the advice is wrong. It is the advisor’s responsibility to fix the issue. Advisor answers questions and tells students which courses to take. What kind of degrees, or situations, do you see this used most? Pros/Cons?
Developmental Academic advising Also developed by Crookston. In 1994 Crookston stated, “developmental counseling or advising is concerned not only with a specific personal or vocational decision but also with facilitating the student’s rational processes, environmental, and interpersonal interactions, behavioral awareness, and problem solving, decision making, and evaluation skills.” Shared responsibility between advisor and student. The focus is more of an agreement between the student and advisor – we all learn from each other. What kind of degrees, or situations, do you see this used most? Pros/Cons?
Intrusive Academic Advising Focus on unique needs of ‘at-risk’ students. Has been shown to increase retention and student’s sense of belonging and connection to the program of study. Advisors initiate providing support services to these students. Earl, in 1987, stated “the intrusive model of advising is action-oriented to involving and motivating students to seek help when needed.” Takes the best parts of prescriptive and developmental advising. Advisors create academic plans, regularly meet with students, and monitor student progress. What kind of degrees, or situations, do you see this used most? Pros/Cons?
Appreciative Academic Advising Jenny Bloom (2002) The focus is more on the students strengths and encouraging the use of those strengths. Using open ended questions advisors can gain better understandings of strengths, abilities, and skills of the student. More concern is for the student reaching goals by understanding where they are coming from, building rapport, encouraging their hopes and dreams, and not allowing anyone to settle. What kind of degrees, or situations, do you see this used most? Pros/Cons?
Best type of advising is…
Great News! No matter which one you got, you are doing something right! Most use a mix of all of the different approaches to create a fantastic approach for the student they are meeting. By learning about these approaches you have improved your ability to better help your advisees…GREAT JOB!!
Activity! Advising Philosophy I encourage you to create an advising philosophy. Write it down = follow through! (Daller, Creamer, and Creamer, 1997) It will not be a quick process, but a valuable one!
NACAdA Academic Advising Core Competencies Per NACADA – The Conceptual component provides the context for the delivery of academic advising. It covers the ideas and theories that advisors must understand to effectively advise their students. The Informational component provides the substance of academic advising. It covers the knowledge advisors must gain to be able to guide the students at their institution. The Relational component provides the skills that enable academic advisors to convey the concepts and information from the other two components to their advisees.
What does this all mean? By understanding your advising approach and the core competency areas you can further your understandings of advising and how to better serve your students. Advising is an honor, but also a serious engagement with a student. Know how you would like to come across and how to approach things with students. Understand your curriculum, institutional policies, and resources available to assist you and your students. Own a personal philosophy of advising, build rapport with students, and facilitate problem solving and goal setting with the advisee.
Questions? Thank you! Contact Information: Bneunuebel@Lindenwood.edu
References http://www.appreciativeadvising.net/about-us.html http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Clearinghouse/View-Articles/Applying-Theory-to- Advising-Practice.aspx http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/About-Us/NACADA-Leadership/Administrative- Division/Professional-Development-Committee/PDC-Advisor-Competencies.aspx https://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Clearinghouse/View-Articles/Advising-Online- Students-Replicating-Best-Practices-of-Face-to-Face-Advising.aspx