Canopy in the Clouds
Testable Questions A question that can be tested in an experiment Requires an independent and dependent variable In the format: How does ____________ affect ____________? Your independent variable must be something you can CHANGE OR MANIPULATE (Location of sampling, rain level, etc) Your dependent variable is the part you are MEASURING
Hypothesis Your predicted possible answer to your question. Often follows the format: If (I do this…-IV) then (I expect this to happen-DV) because (explain why) Can also follow: I predict…..because….
Today- Step 2: Make a Plan Now that you have your research question and hypothesis, you need to figure out how to collect information about it Data Collection: Look at your independent and dependent variable What are some controlled variables you should think of?
Make a Plan Go back to the exploration page and observe how the scientists have been collecting their data Think about making your hypothesis/testable question more SPECIFIC so you don’t have so much to account for
What is the goal today? Finish the assignment including: Testable question (I will be coming around) Identified IV and DV (I will be checking) Testable Hypothesis Data Collection (Controlled variables and method)**