Monitoring and Evaluation in the next programming period Initial reflection within DG EMPL Evaluation and Impact Assessment Unit DG EMPL Ines Hartwig ESF Evaluation partnership meeting 19 November 2010
Guiding ideas Shift to performance orientation – development of evaluation culture plus some well targeted obligations and improved monitoring Effectiveness as a principle of the ESF OPs are expected to establish a link between Europe 2020, strategy, priorities and indicators, More precise rules for monitoring, Few rules but strive for best methods in evaluation. ESF focused on securing the Europe 2020 objectives, More exchange of knowledge across MS, facilitated by Commission.
Monitoring Monitoring done by OP specific indicators – as to date, plus Fund-specific core/common indicators for all OPs Output and possibly result indicators, Common definitions. Indicators linked to revised categories of expenditure, Reporting in AIR becomes part of admissibility check, Timing of AIR aligned with Europe 2020 cycle. Proportionality on reporting requirements, Building on pre-existing systems and definitions.
Evaluation structure Ex ante evaluation MS On-going evaluation MS, Commission Ex post evaluation Commission, MS Evaluation plan for each OP, Commission guidance on evaluation themes, Summative evaluation by MS/OP towards the end of the period.
Ex ante evaluations Supporting the Development and Investment Partnership Contract Supporting the programming process: Support the strategy development and establishing the optimal split of funding, To check the intervention logic and the link to Europe 2020, To support target setting for outputs and results, To check final target groups, To improve the delivery system, To check methods + data requirements for monitoring and evaluations, To spot opportunities for impact evaluations. When: ex ante evaluations for DIPC and each OP
On-going evaluation To support programme implementation and to refine strategies To revisit selected issues looked at by ex ante evaluation, set out in evaluation plan, To deal with new situations and new questions Once a certain amount has been certified to the EC (proportionality principle), Mid-term evaluation (depending on the duration of programming period) By themes, priorities, target group… To capture longer term effects / impact of interventions Counterfactual methods Integration of counterfactual and qualitative methods EC sets themes and guidance for evaluations When: On-going evaluations/ mid-term/after certifying a certain amount to the Commission
Ex post evaluation Summative evaluation by MS/OP towards end of the programming period (in view of supporting the ex post evaluation) Ex post evaluation by the Commission