F. Crescioli, P. Giannetti, M. Dell'Orso, G. Punzi, G. Volpi FTKSIM Updates F. Crescioli, P. Giannetti, M. Dell'Orso, G. Punzi, G. Volpi
0-90 bank Due to memory issue, restrict to one quarter of detector (0˚<φ<90˚) Only one bank covering the whole region No modifications of ftksim code, everything was configurable from auxiliary config files Schematic view of the defined region. Layers distances are not on scale. Phi overlap between modules is not drawn.
0-90 bank ~ exploit symmetry To increase tracks statistics exploit phi symmetries The greatest common divisor between n. of modules per layer is 2 Rotate 180-270 region to 0- 90 region exploiting this symmetry Rotation is done after local hit is computed (at atlhitToHitM() level), just by changing phi module index to hits.
0-90 bank ~ coverage Bank size without rotation is about 4M, with rotation about 6.7M Memory usage is less than old (28M) 8 banks in both cases Coverage is ~68% without rotation and ~77% with rotation It's evident a systematic underperformance of the rotated sample Something is going wrong, probably the symmetry we are using is not exact!
0-90 bank ~ reconstruction Reconstructed tracks are in the desired region Fake rates (strict cuts, calibrated on iPat resolutions not FTK) are the same as the 8 banks and the no rotation 0-90 bank FAKES 20.8% FAKES 19.2% FAKES 19.6%
0-90 bank ~ reconstruction Impact parameter resolution vs Pt is comparable with the 8 banks version Efficiency is increased by about 3% for all particle types (computed in a safe region to avoid region borders)
0-90 bank ~ conclusions (1/2) Generated one bank covering the phi region 0˚-90˚ Exploit detector symmetry to increase track statistics is somehow less efficient than expected Probably symmetry is not exact for some modules/layers Coverage gain is about ~10% (now coverage is 77%) To reach desired coverage (over 95%) we need to generate more tracks Erik told of being able to produce about 20M tracks in the 0-90 region, this should double the current statistics and bring us near 90%. There will be saturation effects over 90%
0-90 bank ~ conclusions (2/2) FTKSIM code is ready to use a single bank covering 0-90 phi region Just change some aux files, not the code! Reconstructed tracks are compatible with the 8 banks version Efficiency increased by ~3% for all particle types Monica can start using this bank and aux files, we will provide increased coverage banks when available Package is in CASTOR /castor/cern.ch/user/f/fcrescio/ftksim_data/0-90.tar.gz