ant ant apple apple bear bear ball ball cat cat cow cow


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Presentation transcript:

ant ant apple apple bear bear ball ball cat cat cow cow alligator alligator apple tree apple tree bear bear ball ball bee bee box box cat cat cow cow cup cup cap cap e-ELF English Level-1 6호 p1

dog dog doll doll duck duck desk desk elephant elephant eagle eagle egg egg eight eight fox fox fish fish frog frog fire fire e-ELF English Level-1 6호 p2

gorilla gorilla girl girl green green goat goat hippo hippo hat hat hand hand horse horse igloo igloo insect insect Indian Indian ice ice e-ELF English Level-1 6호 p3

jet jet jar jar jacket jacket jellyfish jellyfish kangaroo kangaroo key key king king koala koala lion lion lamp lamp lemon lemon leaf leaf e-ELF English Level-1 6호 p4

monster monster mouse mouse melon melon monkey monkey nap nap noodle nest nest nurse nurse octopus octopus orange orange ox ox onion onion e-ELF English Level-1 6호 p5

mat mat mat fan fan fan can can can sad sad sad cat cat cat mat mat mat fan fan fan can can can dad dad dad sad sad sad e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p1

nap nap nap map map map tag tag tag ham ham ham jam jam jam bag bag bag tag tag tag ham ham ham jam jam jam e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p2

wig wig wig fin fin fin pin pin pin hip hip hip pig pig pig wig wig wig fin fin fin pin pin pin lip lip lip hip hip hip e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p3

bib bib bib rib rib rib kid kid kid kit kit kit sit sit sit lid lid lid kid kid kid kit kit kit sit sit sit e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p4

fix fix fix hill hill hill ill ill ill cub cub cub mix mix mix fix fix fix hill hill hill ill ill ill tub tub tub cub cub cub e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p5

bug bug bug hug hug hug bun bun bun nut nut nut hut hut hut sun sun sun bun bun bun nut nut nut hut hut hut e-ELF English Level-2 6호 p6

rake cake bake tape ape cape e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p1

game name cane mane mice rice e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p2

ride hide bike mike nine line e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p3

lime dime bite kite tire wire e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p4

hive five ube cube tube ute cute mute e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p5

ule mule pule une tune June e-ELF English Level-3 6호 p6