NG Learning Cafe Creating Collaborative, Dynamic Learning Environments in Education Session 4: Pedagogically-driven Uses of Technology #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
WELCOME! Session 4 Pedagogically-driven Uses of Technology Today's Agenda Introductions Setting the Stage: “Survey Says” Directions from Participants Presentation & Discussion of Selected Tools Remind, Padlet Documenting with Google Forms Edpuzzle “Just-in-time” Support Learning Group Presentations Share & Discuss Implications of Tools Session End Takeaways & Feedback Session 4 Pedagogically-driven Uses of Technology #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Overview Creating Collaborative, Dynamic Learning Environments MAY 25th or 27th? Pedagogy of Responsiveness "When learning is responsive to the development of students, the increasing demands of the curriculum, and connects to their lives and the world outside school, adolescent learners are more likely to experience success." (Knowing and Responding to learners in Mathematics, 2015) #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Pre-session Survey # 2 Connection to Practice #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Remind-Text Messaging App WHY? Communication, Learning Skills #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Messaging Our Group Remind @ngcafe #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Remind-Sign Up #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Padlet (App, Web 2.0) WHY? Student Voice, Collaboration, Visible Thinking Virtual bulletin board Join this padlet at #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Preparing to Document Learning Today’s Mathematical Prompt What can you determine from this diagram? Justify your group’s thinking. Goal(s) of this problem? ? ?? ??? Criteria for Success #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Preparing to Document Learning: Google Forms Form Results THE ‘WHY’ #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Preparing to Document Learning: Google Forms Form Results #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Preparing to Document Learning: Google Forms Form Results #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Edpuzzle: Just-in-time Learning WHY? Flipped-Mastery Learning, Student Success, AfL, AaL A Just-in-time Experience for You! Register at Log-in as a student Your join code is e394qx Curate/Create videos Upload to Edpuzzle Annotate, insert questions for formative assessment Option to “prevent skipping” Track viewing habits What elements of the video were challenging? Student Projects Student Screencasts #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Your Favorite Apps, Web 2.0 Tools, … # 2 Connection to Practice #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Setting Directions: Inquiry with Technology "…[engaging ourselves] as researchers, exploring what learning is (or could be), generate evidence of what's working/what's not, plan next steps and take action to introduce improvements and innovations." What might you/we do between now and the next session involving tech or any of the other session themes (i.e., physical learning environment, assessment, instructional strategies)? Something together? Something individually? "...engaging educators as researchers, exploring what learning is (or could be), generate evidence of what's working/what's not, plan next steps and take action to introduce improvements and innovations" (Collaborative Inquiry, 2014). Encourage participants to explore and collaborate (engage in on-line environment and/or bring in-between work back to next session for sharing). CBS: Collaborative Inquiry, 2014 #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs
Session End Take-away(s) from today's session? Feedback Taking our discussion on-line Share our questions, observations, inquiries … Each member of the group has received/will receive an invitation to register for access to a website built to document our time together and to host a discussion forum New forum for each topic (I.e., session) Final notes re: getting ready for Session 5 #ngcafe #collaboration @Ltngdhs