Frequency Management Group Chairman Presentation Title John Mettrop Frequency Management Group Chairman 17th March 2011 ACP WG-F
Content ICAO European Committee Structure FMG European WRC-12 Issues Other Issues EANPG DOC-011 Co-ordination Process Co-ordination and Planning tools ACP WG-F
ICAO European Structure EANPG European Air navigation Planning Group COG EANPG Programme Coordinating Group AFSG Aeronautical Fixed Services Group ATMGE Air Traffic Management Group - East AWOG All Weather Operations Group FMG Frequency Management Group BPM Block Planning Meeting SG Study Group METG Meteorology Group RDGE Route Development Group - East ACP WG-F
FMG Membership and Attendance State Representatives 31 Member States 3 International Organisations Plenary Average Attendance 53 Experts 26 States Observers welcome by prior arrangement ACP WG-F
FMG Terms of Reference include Development of relevant sections of the EUR ANP Update and Maintain EUR DOC 011 “ EUR Frequency Management Manual” Co-ordination of frequency assignments 12,000+ Comms 7,000+ Nav Input to work of appropriate ICAO bodies in the field of aeronautical frequency and spectrum Provide advice on frequency and spectrum issues to the EANPG ACP WG-F
EANPG Endorsed assembly resolution A36-27 related to the provision of resources EANPG Conclusion 51/6 – Preparation for WRC-12 That the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic: a) urge States to: i) ensure, via their National Telecommunication Agencies, that the ICAO position is taken into account in the national and regional preparatory activities for World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC-12) ; and ii) provide civil aviation experts to assist in various national and regional WRC-12 preparatory activities. b) invite International Organisations (IATA, NATO, EC, ECAC, EUROCONTROL) and other organisations to ensure coherence with the ICAO position and support ICAO during various regional WRC-12 preparatory activities EANPG Conclusion 51/7 – ICAO EUR/NAT Support to WRC-12 Preparation That the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic, make necessary arrangements to ensure the participation of the EUR/NAT Office in the regional WRC-12 preparatory activities at the level of the Conférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications (CEPT) Conference Preparatory Group (CPG). ACP WG-F
Other Issues: EANPG EANPG Conclusion 52/25 - Addressing aeronautical frequency spectrum congestion That the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic: recognising the progress and applicability area of the currently being reviewed European Commission (EC) Regulation 1265/2007 on Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing (A-VCS), urge States to proceed with the full implementation of 8.33 kHz channel spacing by 2018 with an intermediate phase by 2014; recognising the continued congestion in the aeronautical VHF voice band in the European Region, initiate development of the future operational requirements for VHF voice communications with the goal to reorient the ICAO work on future communication systems in order to address the future operational needs with regards to aeronautical VHF voice communications; and remind States to adhere to the provisions of the ICAO EUR Air Navigation Plan with regards to the gradual removal of VORs and NDBs from service by 2020. ACP WG-F
Frequency Spectrum Congestion ACP WG-F
Other Issues: FMG Spectrum Mobile services vs Aeronautical services around 960 MHz Monitoring Band congestion JTIDS Frequency clearance agreement Power Line Telecommunications GPS repeater interference Co-ordination of Radar ACP WG-F
Other Issues: FMG Frequency Management Definition of Designated Operational Coverage GBAS co-ordination criteria SAFIRE (frequency co-ordination tool) Development MANIF (frequency planning tool) development VDL 2 replacement of ACARS VDL 4 assignment requirements EUR DOC 011 maintenance ACP WG-F
EUR Doc 011 Part 1 – Scope and General overview Part 2 – VHF air-ground communications frequency assignment planning criteria Part 3 – Radion navigation air frequency assignment planning criteria Part 4 – Frequency coordination and registration procedures ACP WG-F
EUR Coordination process Describes the roles of: Requesting States Concerned States Registration Office (ICAO EUR/NAT) The process is sufficiently flexible to allow any group of States to implement if needed additional layers of advanced/refined pre coordination prior to entering into the ICAO process ACP WG-F
EUR Frequency planning and coordination tools The planning and coordination process is supported by the following tools(provided by Eurocontrol upon EANPG request for all EUR): MANIF – voluntary for planning SAFIRE – mandatory means for coordination in the EUR for VHF assignments Transition for navaids assignments to SAFIRE is ongoing The outcome of this coordination is registered in the EUR central ICAO register, Supplement Tables COM2. 3 and 4 of the ICAO EUR Air Navigation Plan. Currently coordination of navaids assignment requests is done via AFTN/e-mail/fax using dedicated templates and the outcome is registered in the ODETE database ACP WG-F