Transformational Leadership Michael Lator, Eva Steepe, Jessa Baumdraher, Elise Marshall, Kait Philp, Lauren Canary, Michael Scholz, Parker Aerts
What is it? Process that changes and transforms people. Includes showing care for followers, assessing their motives, satisfying their needs, and treating them well. Pushes followers to accomplish more than the normal expectations. Used to describe a wide range of leadership types: specific, one-on-one level or broad attempts to influence entire organizations or cultures Focus is on inspiring others to help create change. Eva
Origins First introduced by political historian James MacGregor Burns in 1978, who described it as the process of how “leaders and followers help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation” Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership Change v. No Change (rewards) Robert House published theory of charismatic leadership in 1976: charismatic leaders act in unique ways that have specific effects on followers Expanded by Bernard M. Bass in 1985 Focused on followers needs more Michael Lator
Four Components Idealized Influence (Charisma) - emotional component; leader acts as strong role model; high standards of moral and ethical conduct Example: Nelson Mandela Inspirational Motivation - leader communicates high expectations, inspires them through motivation to become committed to shared vision of organization Example: sales manager giving pep talks Intellectual Stimulation - the leader challenges his followers to push themselves and to achieve higher than the norm; creativity and innovation Example: plant manager challenging employees to find solutions to problems Individualized Consideration - the leader shows genuine concern for the needs and feelings of his followers by providing personal attention to each follower; this builds trust and allows for better teamwork Example: manager treats employees in unique and caring way; one-on-one meetings to see how employees are doing Parker
Strengths Focused on making the future better Leaders are authentic to their commitment to a mission, not their personal gain Utilizes a growth mindset to inspire their followers to evoke change Recognizes development and efforts, in addition to their performance Embraces originality and creativity Leaders are transparent and vulnerable, to encourage an open dialogue with their followers Allows measured risks, which fosters a community of innovation Kait
Weaknesses Unintended negative influence Steering people into making poor decisions with possibly catastrophic implications Employees become fatigued from going outside of their job descriptions and are less effective in their roles in the organization Assumption that followers completely agree with the leader Prioritizing individuals based on interest and willingness rather than actual skill and effectiveness Michael Scholz
Leader- Follower Relations Similarly to LMX theory, Transformational leadership relationships are related positively to friendliness and reasoning. The leader connects the follower’s identity to the identity of the organization to motivate them. They are positive role models for their followers and strive to inspire them through their own actions. They challenge followers to take ownership of their work and they understand the follower’s strengths and weaknesses which allows the leaders to assign tasks to their followers that are best suited to the individual. Jessa
Applications Organizations: recruitment, selection and promotion, training and development Improving team development and decision-making groups Important for us to be able to utilize this strategy in a number of ways: As a future parent As a coach As a president of an organization As a member of a group project Lauren
Case Study Lauren & Elise & Parker
References Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Transformational leadership. (2019, February 05). Retrieved from Impact of Transformational leadership on followers’ influence strategies (2019, March 01). Retrieved from