“Violent Relaxation” of Star Cluster “cold” start minimum size maximum size end
Density Profile: Before and After Violent Relaxation Uniform density sphere (dashed line) at start R1/4 law at end (squares + solid line)
Distribution of Stellar Energies: Before, During, and after Violent Relaxation start end
Isophotes of Elliptical Galaxies Isophote “twist” Inner isophotes are round and oriented horizontally Outer isophote is very elliptical and oriented nearly vertical aligned elliptical isophotes “boxy”, rectangular isophotes “disky”, diamond-shaped isophotes
Cartoon of Isophote Twisting True shape and orientation of isophotes Appearance of the isophotes as viewed from the left and below
Stellar Orbits in Triaxial Ellipticals (non-rotating) Only stars on box orbits can pass through the center In all cases (box and tube), stellar orbits fill the 3-d figure Circular orbits only possible in tube orbits
NGC 4649/M60 optical X-ray