Item 4.A.3 : Management of Natura 2000 CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 4th meeting – 12/02/09 Item 4.A.3 : Management of Natura 2000 Preparatory actions on information, communication, conflict solving in Natura 2000
Natura 2000 Preparatory Actions – Lot 2/2007: Information and communication on the designation and management of Natura 2000 sites Collect and Produce information on procedures for Designating Natura 2000 sites in the European Member States Collect and Produce information on Management procedures to identify and analyse good practices of Integrated Management of Natura 2000 sites Develop a Communication platform for networking and exchange of experience amongst stakeholders and managers Elaborate the “NATURA 2000 PARTNER” award scheme
Communication tool: aims To enable stakeholders in Natura2000 sites to exchange information and best practice … to help find and share solutions to the problem of reconciling nature conservation with economic development To help building a network of people/stakeholders involved in all aspects of Natura 2000 sites
‘Natura2000 Partner’ Award Scheme: aims To reward people and organisations showing merit in … … managing Natura2000 sites, and/or … communicating about Natura 2000
LOT 2/2008: Dealing with Conflicts in the Implementation and Management of the Natura 2000 Network- Strategic Planning Methodologies and tools to make strategic assessment of the impacts of major programmes on the Natura 2000 network Review of Existing Approaches (EU Nature directives, the EIA Directive and the SEA Directive) Best Practice and Recommended Methodologies and Tools for Strategic Assessments
Review of Current Practices Best Practice Case Studies LOT 3/2008: Dealing with Conflicts in the Implementation and Management of the Natura 2000 Network- Best Practice at the Local/Site Level Promote best practices for achieving the appropriate balance between potentially conflicting interests and uses of N2000 sites Review of Current Practices Best Practice Case Studies Recommendations for Future Actions to promote best practice more effectively and systematically throughout the EU