Friday 26th April – Monday 29th April Balfour Kingswood 2019 Friday 26th April – Monday 29th April Can everyone take a seat and children to sit on the benches at the front please.
Key times: Friday 26th April 2019 Arrive at school at the usual time in the morning with all their things, which will be put in the hall. They can come in their own clothes. They will need a packed lunch or a school dinner as usual as they will have this before they leave. We will leave for Kingswood at around 1:30pm. 1st Class $ 3.00 My Postal Service
Key times: Monday 29th April We will be leaving Kingswood at approximately 1:15pm, after they have had their lunch, so will arrive back to school at about 1:45pm. You may pick your child up at this time! If you can’t pick them up, they will stay in school with the other Year 5 children and teachers, and you can collect them at the end of the school day at 3:30pm 1st Class $ 3.00 My Postal Service
Teachers: Miss McLellan Mrs. Atkins Miss Webb Miss Kember Miss Payne Mr. Tutt 1st Class £ 3.00 My Postal Service
It’s all in a day A typical day at Kingswood runs as follows: • Breakfast between 7.30am and 9am • First activities start around 9.30am • 10 minute juice break • Lunch time allocation between 12pm and 2pm • A full afternoon of activities • Evening meal time allocation between 5pm and 7pm • Evening entertainment from 8pm. • Lights out by 10.15pm • 6 sessions per day plus one final evening session. • Group sizes are of 14 plus a fully qualified Kingswood instructor and an adult from the group. • Students encouraged and praised during activities but are NEVER forced to take part if they are not comfortable doing so. While other groups will also be present on centre during your stay, all programmes and activities are conducted separately, unless otherwise stated. It’s all in a day • Breakfast between 7.30am and 9am • First activities kick off around 9.30am • 10 minute juice break • Lunch time allocation between 12pm and 2pm • A full afternoon of activities • Evening meal time allocation between 5pm and 7pm • Evening entertainment from 8pm, followed by cocoa • Lights out by 10.15pm The group will choose four of their preferred activities prior to the trip and the centre will then create a programme to meet all of their specific objectives, needs and learning outcomes. • 6 sessions per day (4 at Dearne Valley) plus one final evening session. • Group sizes of no more than 15 (12 at Colomendy and Dearne Valley) plus a fully qualified Kingswood instructor and an adult from the group. • Students encouraged and praised during activities but are NEVER forced to take part if they are not comfortable doing so. While other groups will also be present on centre during your stay, all programmes and activities are conducted separately, unless otherwise stated.
Activities include: Climbing Aeroball Swimming Laser Tag Fencing Archery Computer Animation 3 different High rope activities And a few more too!
Kit List 4 t-shirts, shirts, blouses (at least 1 with long-sleeves), 2 pairs of trainers (one old pair) PLEASE PUT YOUR CHILD’S NAME ON ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING Sweatshirt 1 thick sweater + 1 light sweater Large plastic bag for dirty clothes 3 pairs of trousers and/or jeans and/or tracksuit bottoms Water bottle 1 swimming towel & costume Hat & sunscreen Spending money (recommended no more than £10) 1 bath towel Clothes for the Social Sundown (evening entertainment) Toilet bag containing: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hairbrush etc A BIN BAG Waterproof jacket (and trousers if you have them) NO MOBILE PHONES OR ELECTRONICS!! Night clothes Socks and underwear Sturdy shoes or wellingtons (even in summer) You do not need any bedding!!
Before we leave: All medication must be given into the office and all forms must be filled in! Working groups of 12 will be decided by the teachers and the children will be told these on the day we depart. Bedrooms will be chosen by children. At this moment, we don’t know the room sizes, but as soon as we do we will ask the children who they wish to share with. We will do our best to make sure everyone gets the rooms they want, but if not we will make sure friends are next door to each other where possible.