11/19, 11/20 Your tasks: Take out the two following items: Maslow Hierarchy Motivational Music Complete the warm up questions as a family group
Goals for the day: WORK DAY PsychSim—Hunger and the Fat Rat 2 Articles on “Belongingness” and “Cognitive Dissonance” Read both on your own As a FAMILY GROUP do the following: Write a summary for BOTH articles addressing the following questions What conclusion did this article come to? What questions do you still have regarding this article? Summarize the results of the research. Did their findings “surprise” you? Why or why not? All good research leaves you with MORE questions. Where would you “take” this research in the future? Because of this study, what would you now want to study? Reading Guide 4F HOMEWORK: Reading Guide 4G
Cultivating Intrinsic Motivation
The Humanistic Theory: Maslow proposed that humans have needs beyond those of survival and reducing drive tensions. The need to do something important with one's life is as essential as the basic biological needs. Lower level needs must be met first before one would move to higher levels. Eventually to self-actualization. Finally, we may also be driven by intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. A boy who plays the violin for four hours a day simply to excel is driven by intrinsic motivation Those practice sessions are motivated by external rewards such as winning a competition or gaining admiration from his parents, then this is extrinsic motivation.
Achievement Motivation A desire for significant accomplishments; for mastery of things, people, or ideas; for attaining a high standard. Achievement Motivation
Achievement Motivation People who have LOW achievement motivation prefer very easy or very difficult tasks. People with HIGH achievement motivation prefer moderately difficult tasks. Failure is unlikely - no embarrassment Success is attainable, yet attributable to their skill and effort.
Achievement Motivation Does high achievement motivation mean success in life?
YouTube: Steve Jobs Commencement Address Stanford University 2005
YouTube: Daniel Pink - The Puzzle of Motivation
Leadership Style SOCIAL MOTIVATION Task Leadership: goal oriented leadership that sets standards & organizes work. Social Leadership: group oriented leadership that builds teamwork, mediates conflict & offers support . SOCIAL MOTIVATION David McClelland (1950s) explored what motivated humans to challenge themselves, particularly in relation to others. McClelland’s theory: Need for Achievement Used experimental data based on participants' descriptions of ambiguous pictures to support his claims. In longitudinal studies, McClelland found that subjects who scored high on tests of achievement were more likely to be entrepreneurs. Other theories of social motivation claim that Fear can be a very powerful motivator, with some humans being driven by a fear of failure while others are more afraid of success.
The Psychology of Sex Hunger responds to a need. If we don’t eat we die. Sex in that sense is not a need, if we don’t have sex we don’t die. OBJECTIVE 11| Describe the role of external stimuli and fantasies on sexual motivation and behavior.
Sexual Drive: Pleasure that organisms derive from sex ensures that they will procreate, helping their species survive. Like hunger, it is a complex interaction involving chemistry, biology, & psychology. Chemistry - the release of specific chemicals in the body triggers the emotions we associate with sex drive. Cognition - plays an important role in mediating the sex drive. Just as cultural beliefs play a role in determining the foods one will eat or avoid, personal values and cultural customs are determining factors in when, how, and with whom one satisfies the sex drive. A Primary Need - However... sexual activity is also associated with higher needs in Maslow's hierarchy, such as belonging, avoidance of loneliness, and self-esteem.
Confidential interviews with 18,000 people (early 1950’s) Kinsey’s Studies Confidential interviews with 18,000 people (early 1950’s) Most men & half of all women have premarital sex. Good beginning, however major problems with his study included sampling size & questionnaires.
The Physiology of Sex 1960’s William Masters and Virginia Johnson set out to explore the physiology of sex. 382 females & 312 males Only people who were willing to have sex & display orgasm in a lab environment. Filmed more than 10,000 sex cycles. Discovery of The Sexual Response Cycle (4 Stages) Excitement Phase Plateau Phase Orgasm Resolution Phase
Physiological Response Sexual Response Cycle Masters and Johnson brought sex to the laboratory & from research described human sexual response as consisting of four phases: Physiological Response Phase Excitement Genitals become engorged with blood. Vagina expands secretes lubricant. Penis enlarges. Plateau Excitement peaks such as breathing, pulse and blood pressure. Orgasm Contractions all over the body. Increase in breathing, pulse & blood pressure. Sexual release. OBJECTIVE 9| Describe the human sexual response. Resolution Engorged genitals release blood. Male goes through refractory phase. Women resolve slower.
The Physiology of Sex People can find sexually explicit images either pleasing or disturbing- but they are none the less biologically arousing. Viewing erotic materials: changes ones attitudes to be more liberal about sexual practices. may make some people dissatisfied with their own sexual interactions. elevates the likelihood of overt sexual activity for a few hours immediately after the exposure. Pheromones appear to be important in lower animals determinants of sexual desire in but of limited relevance to humans.
The Brain The size of the anterior hypothalamus is smaller (LeVay, 1991) and anterior commissure is larger (Allen & Gorski, 1992) in homosexual men. Anterior Commissure http://www.msu.edu Anterior Hypothalamus
Genes & Sexual Orientation A number of reasons suggest that homosexuality may be due to genetic reasons. Family: Homosexuality seems to run in families. Twin studies: Homosexuality is more common in identical twins than fraternal twins. However mixed results. Fruit flies: Genetic engineers can genetically manipulate females to act like males during courtship, and males that act like females.
Hormones & Sexual Orientation Prenatal hormones affect sexual orientation during critical periods of fetal development (usually 2-5 months after conception) Animals: Testosterone exposure to fetus results in females (sheep) showing homosexual behavior. Humans: Female hormone exposure to male or female fetus (human) results in attraction to males. Heterosexual male Heterosexual female Homosexual
Due next class: Complete Reading Guide 4G. EMOTION— theories and expression