Dreams Dreamt, A Promise Not Kept: The Gap between the American Dream and American Reality
mEET aNTONIO Viglione
Today’S amERICAN dREAM -Today’s Working class don’t believe hard work will get them ahead. -Only 50% of children born in the eighties earn more than their parents -90% of children born in the forties (My Nonno’s generation) earned more than their parents -Many also are not able to fluidly move jobs anymore -This lack of upward mobility makes it difficult to achieve the American Dream.
Happiness or lack thereof -The ideals of the American Dream combined with success stories is toxic to the American psyche. -Many Americans view their lack of success as a character flaw about them or that they don’t deserve success. -This leads to unhappiness and low self esteem. -This combines with view that we are letting down their family.
Reality? -WE LET THEM DOWN! -Today’s societal and economic structures facilitate mobility and achievement. -College expenses, decent jobs dwindling, difficult to take risks. -We no longer believe in a better tomorrow (polls about the future) -It is imperative we instill hope and belief in opportunity again.