Identification of FD targets by pSUC2::GFP:FD ChIP-seq in Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1 and pFD::GFP:FD ChIP-seq in fd-2. Identification of FD targets by pSUC2::GFP:FD ChIP-seq in Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1 and pFD::GFP:FD ChIP-seq in fd-2. A, Annotation of high-confidence peaks found in two biological replicates in Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1. TTS, transcription terminator site. B, Four-set Venn diagram representing the overlapping peaks among all the biological replicates from Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1. The majority of the peaks (1,530) are shared between the two genetic backgrounds. C, Nucleotide logo of the predicted FD binding site. D, Correlation heatmap calculated on a binding matrix based on ChIP-seq reads counts for Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1 samples (affinity scores). The presence/absence of FT and TSF is sufficient to discriminate the two genetic backgrounds. E, DB peaks between Col-0 and ft-10 tsf-1. Red dots indicate differentially bound peaks with a false discovery rate < 0.05. Blue dots represent peaks that were not significantly differentially bound. F, Reads from Col-0, ft-10 tsf-1 and control (ctrl) sample mapped against selected flowering-related genes. G, Annotation of high-confidence peaks identified by ChIP-seq in two biological replicates in pFD::GFP:FD fd-2. H, Nucleotide logo of the predicted FD binding site at the SAM. Silvio Collani et al. Plant Physiol. 2019;180:367-380 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists