CS 314 Operating Systems What are “embedded systems”? “An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints”. Each activity (or operation) has time dead-line The operating systems for handling “real-time systems” are called “real-time OS” Programs (processes) that handle real-time tasks are called “real-time (programs) processes” Enbedded_Systems/001
CS 314 Operating Systems Automated Vehicle Controls Enbedded_Systems/002
Automated Train Controls CS 314 Operating Systems Avionics Control Automated Train Controls (Unmanned Trains) Enbedded_Systems/003
Flight/Avionics Control CS 314 Operating Systems Satellite Control Aero-Space Flight/Avionics Control Enbedded_Systems/004
CS 314 Operating Systems Nuclear Power Plants (Plant Control) Industry Robots (Factory Automation) Nuclear Power Plants (Plant Control) Enbedded_Systems/005