English 10 - 2/25/19 Why is Tom found guilty? Why does everyone in the balcony stand? Why is talking to cows a waste of time? Bird feed – Transmission (feed) from an earth- orbiting satellite (bird). Goals – Discuss opener and questions about the book. Homework – Read and annotate chapter 26. Write a journal entry. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #20 Friday. Because it goes in one ear and out the udder.
English 10 - 2/26/19 In chapter 22 Atticus explains to his sister why he allowed his children to stay in court even though he did not want them there originally. Why would he change his mind like that? What were Mr. O’Connor’s three hardest years? Annie Oakley – Free pass to the theatre. Goals – Read MLK Jr. article and do a handout based on what sort of progress in civil rights we have made since his time. Homework – Read and annotate chapter 27. Write a journal. Second grade.
English 10 – 2/27/19 In chapter 23, Why does Aunt Alexandra accept that the Cunninghams may be good folks but are not “our kind of folks”? Do you think that people should mix only with others from the same social class? Are class divisions good or bad for society? I intend to live forever… so far so good! Spermologer – one who gathers seeds. Goals – Discuss Jim Crow laws. Read and annotate handout. Look at National Parks Service regulations. Homework – Read and annotate Chapter 28. Write a journal. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #20 Friday.
English 10 - 2/28/19 At the end of Chapter 23, Jem forms a new theory about why Boo Radley has never left his house in years. What is this and how likely is it to be true? If you are what you eat, I’m dead meat. Quadragenarian – a person in their forties. Goals – Complete Jim Crow handout. Discuss it. Begin “Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” Homework – Read and annotate 28. Write a journal. Don’t forget to study for vocab. quiz #20 tomorrow.
English 10 - 3/1/19 Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #20. What is the difference between a fish and a piano? Camerature – a distorted photograph; a photographic caricature. Goals – Complete and grade Vocab 20. Homework –Read and annotate 29,30, and 31. Write a journal for each. Begin study for vocab. 21. You can’t tuna fish