Author: Brian Selznick Genre: Historical Fiction Big Question: Can you always believe what you see? Author: Brian Selznick Genre: Historical Fiction
Grammar Singular and Plural Pronouns
Singular and Plural Pronouns Victor and his mother met Harry Houdini. They met him. The underlined words in sentence 2 are pronouns. They replace the underlined noun phrase and proper noun in sentence 1. Him is a singular pronoun and they is a plural pronoun.
Singular and Plural Pronouns Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Pronouns that take the place of singular nouns are singular pronouns. I, me, he, she, him, her, and it are singular pronouns. Pronouns that take the place of plural nouns are plural pronouns. We, us, they, and them are plural pronouns.
Singular and Plural Pronouns The man met the magicians at the train station. He met them at the train station. Always capitalize the singular pronoun I. When you talk about yourself and another person, name yourself last. The pronoun you can be singular or plural.
Singular and Plural Pronouns Find the pronoun in each sentence. I want to learn more about Harry Houdini. I He was a famous magician. He Tell us about Houdini’s tricks. us
Singular and Plural Pronouns Find the pronoun in each sentence. Houdini got into a crate and had it lowered into the ocean. it People were amazed when they saw Houdini escape. they You would enjoy reading about Houdini. You
Singular and Plural Pronouns Choose a pronoun to replace each underlined noun or nouns. Mother did not know what to do with Victor. (She, We) She Victor was always getting into trouble. (They, He) He
Singular and Plural Pronouns Choose a pronoun to replace each underlined noun or nouns. She even had to remind Victor to breathe in the bath. (him, us) him Mother and Victor went to see Victor’s Aunt Harriet. (They, He) They
Singular and Plural Pronouns Choose a pronoun to replace each underlined noun or nouns. Victor made Aunt Harriet very upset. (her, you) her Later, Victor visited the Houdinis at home. (they, them) them