Asian Fellowship this summer... Encountering Jesus
John the Baptist met Jesus Two weeks ago... John the Baptist met Jesus John 1:29-34 John 1:29-34 John 1:29-34
In John 1:29-34... What did John the Baptist say about Jesus? What will we say when we are asked to “testify” about Jesus?
Last week... Nicodemus met Jesus John 3:1-21
In John 3:1-21... How can we be part of God's kingdom, or family? What does it mean to be “born again?”
This week: Woman at the Well John 4:3-30 & 39-42
In John 4:3-30 & 39-42... What or who is “living water”? Why should we worship Jesus in spirit and truth?
Jews and Samaritans common ancestors similar religious beliefs political tensions disagreed about where & how to worship Jews believed Samaritans were unclean
“Messiah” “Anointed” → Chosen and approved by God for a special office, like king or priest. Jewish people believed he would come to free them from the Romans and restore their ritual or spiritual purity.
“worship in spirit and truth” One concept: worship through God's Spirit because of Jesus, who is God's Truth. → True worshipers are those who have experienced spiritual rebirth of the Holy Spirit.