Representing 3-D shapes GM3.4 Support Starter Here is a drawing of a skeleton cube, made from wire. At each corner is a black or white bead. Which are these are different views of the same skeleton cube? (a) (b) (c) Make up and try out some similar problems by using some drawings of your own. Preamble This activity will give pupils the opportunity to practise their 3-D spatial visualisation skills. If possible, they should be encouraged to make up and test on each other some similar puzzles – which will also give practice in drawing 2-D representations of 3-D situations. Possible content 3-D visualisation from 2-D drawings. Resources None, although simple concrete models could be made using Blu-Tack or plasticine and cocktail sticks (or even some of the ball-and-stick apparatus used in science to illustrate crystal structure). Solution/Notes (a) and (b) are the same skeleton cube.