How Creative Can You Be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. Describe the festival that this picture illustrates. Use U.S. Southern Colloquial Dialect.
Who is this man and what drives him? How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. Who is this man and what drives him?
Respond What does this picture show? You have 10 minutes to write a response to the following. What does this picture show? Explain how and why you think the way you do.
What is the most interesting event in this man’s life? How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. What is the most interesting event in this man’s life?
What is the last thing that made you feel this way? Explain. How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. What is the last thing that made you feel this way? Explain.
How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. Write a first person narrative from the POV of this woman that describes her day leading up to this picture being taken.
How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. This world has some interesting warnings. Write about some of the most interesting warnings you’ve ever seen
How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, and INTERESTING and IMAGINATIVE response to the following: Using as much rhyme as possible, describe the story that includes this image
How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. Describe this woman using the best, most interesting vocabulary you know.
Independent Reading Prompt for English 4 9/19 What is the primary conflict in your book? Describe the main character (attitude and physical features). Predict what will happen as the plot progresses.
Prompt for AP English 9/19 Describe the entirety of the relationship between Gilgamesh and Urshanabi in a single, well-crafted paragraph.
How creative can you be You have 10 minutes to write a CREATIVE, IMAGINATIVE and INTERESTING response to the following. Write a story about the man pictured here, include the idea of gender normative behaviour and gender role performance