Lyndon B. Johnson
Great Society Great Society – President Johnson’s legislative programs that declared a “war on poverty” More than 60 poverty and welfare programs were passed between 1965-68
Programs by Johnson Medicare – a medical insurance programs set up for elderly Head Start – a medical insurance program set up for those living below the poverty line Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – cabinet position in charge of public housing and developing model cities
Civil Rights Movement Civil Disobedience - a strategy for causing social change by means of non-violent resistance to unfair law Ex: March on Washington MLK was most famous advocate for civil disobedience but not everyone in the Movement believed nonviolence could affect change
Brown V. Board Of Education Brown vs. Board Of Education (1954) - Supreme Court decision that segregated schools were unequal and must desegregate, mandates integration but no timetable Overturns “separate but equal” implemented by Plessey vs. Ferguson
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Federal law that barred discrimination in employment and public facilities and prohibited discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, and gender Also desegregated public accommodations
24th Amendment 24th Amendment (1964) – increased the ability of blacks to vote by eliminating poll taxes
Malcolm X Malcolm X- championed black separatism and called for freedom to be brought by any means necessary Black Power - an African American movement that focused on gaining control of economic and political power to achieve equal rights, by force if necessary
Chicano Movement United Farm Workers of America (1962) - formed to help Mexican-American workers get fair treatment Cesar Chavez - was concerned with the discrimination toward Mexican Americans and founded the UFWA
“Women’s Movement” Movement to get women equal pay and to get society to treat women as equals in terms of pay, political rights, right to their bodies, access to equal education and opportunities in the workplace
The Feminine Mystique (1963) Book written by Betty Friedan that described women’s feeling on being in the house and reignited the women’s movement Friedan was a victim of the false conformity and 1950s suppression by the government because she has a long history of activism in the 1950s but denies this history – why?
National Organization for Women (NOW) Organization that promoted equal and more opportunities for women in education and the work place