BES: Plant & Animal Cells May 2, 2019 Obtain your ASSIGNED laptop and log into Educurious now!
Check out your plants… Measure all your seedlings and calculate the average for DAY 4. Record in your data table. Record the control measurements in your data table. You shouldn’t need to water. No toxins added today.
Warm Up 5-2-19 What are TWO major differences between a plant and animal cell? Here’s a diagram to assist… Plant cells have chloroplasts and a cell wall, whereas animals cells do not. Plants also have much larger vacuoles (to hold water) and plasmodesmata that is a channel that sends cytoplasm through the cells wall to neighboring cells for communication.
Module 6: Plant and Animal Cells In this module, you will gain a deeper understanding of how cells work through simulations and a microscope lab. Then you will learn how phytoremediation works at the cellular level.
Organization of Life NOTES Write this title and today’s date.
How are living organisms organized? ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
NOTES: Organization of Life These are the levels of organization: This shows the different organizational levels of life, increasing in size and complexity as you move up through the chart. Much like an ecosystem consists of organisms and abiotic factors interacting, organisms are also networks of interacting elements. We’re zooming in from thinking about respiration in ecosystems and organisms to thinking about systems within organisms, cells, and the structures within cells: organelles. The next unit (genetics) will take us even further into the cell and the organization of life. Teacher note: you can return back to this chart throughout the primer and Genetics unit, to anchor into this larger framework. ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
NOTES: Humans have many organ systems. IMMUNE & LYMPHATIC SYSTEM RESPIRATORYSYSTEM CIRCULATORY SYSTEM URINARY SYSTEM DIGESTIVE SYSTEM REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM All of these specialized systems interact to perform vital functions for the organism- in this case, us! ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
NOTES: Organs are made of many types of tissue. Your skin is the largest organ in your body! Check out how many different tissues types make up your skin! Different kinds of tissues interact to form organs within a body’s system. ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
NOTES: Tissues are made of specialized cells. These tissues are, in turn, made up of different kinds of cells. ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
NOTES: Plants also have specialized cells & tissues. ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
Build an Organ Activity Download Assignment 6.1: Build an Organ from the online platform. Go to the website below and use the simulation to build an organ: play/games/build-an-organ/ Answer the questions in Assignment 6.1 and submit your finished work to the online platform (Upload as a word document). Due by end of class. ©2018 Educurious Partners. All rights reserved.
Lesson 6.2 Cell Organelles When finished with Build an Organ… Get the Cell Organelles worksheet. Use the resource websites in Assignment 6.2 (you can either type in the URL from the hard copy or open the document in Educurious and click the links there).