Talent Management #eoetalent Building our Community, Developing and Sharing our Practice 13th March 2019 #eoetalent
Welcome Karen Bloomfield Head of Leadership and Organisational Development East of England Leadership Academy
What’s in store today #eoetalent @eoeleadership Our Talent Community – a celebration! Nick Carver – Shaping our Regional Approach Sharing and discussing key topics in practice Mike Thompson – My Journey The future of our community ... what’s next? #eoetalent @eoeleadership
Recap on our Aims Nationally to convene and sustain the structures, systems, processes and support necessary to ensure a whole system approach to Talent Management across the NHS TM is a key priority - responsive to system needs and ensuring TM is developed and embedded in our work Engaging with EoE Talent Leads from each organisation Sharing approaches and learning from each others experiences Finding out about current and future developments in TM Building contacts and connections across your local system Influencing and shaping the future for the CoP network so that it is relevant and valuable for you
Interim Workforce Implementation Plan Emerging workforce priorities for 2019/20: We can make a significant difference to our ability to recruit and retain staff by making the NHS a better place to work. Future clinical workforce, nursing and midwifery - Although there are workforce shortages in a number of professions, disciplines and regions, the biggest single challenge we currently face nationally is in the nursing and midwifery profession. Leadership, development and talent management - If our workforce plan is to succeed we must start by making real changes to improve the leadership culture in the NHS. Tech skills and enablement - To deliver on the vision of 21st century care set out in the Long Term Plan will not simply require ‘more of the same’ but a different skill mix, new types of roles and different ways of working. We must look again at respective roles and responsibilities for workforce across the national bodies and their regional teams, ICSs, and local employers, to ensure we are doing the right things at the right level. Feed in comments via TalkHealthandCare or email the team on nhsi.ltpworkforce@nhs.net https://dhscworkforce.crowdicity.com/category/browse
Talent Management Support Developing TM Capability - 4 module programme Talent Community of Practice Talent Management Hub – resources, toolkit and guides to support talent conversations Career Development Workshops and mock interviews Healthcare Leadership Model – 360, Future learn modules Coaching and mentoring Career coaching workshops Assessment Centres
Talent Management Initiatives Accelerated Director Development Scheme (Beds and Herts) Aspirant Directors of Nursing Aspirant Chief Operating Officers Aspirant Directors of HR Aspirant Heads of Midwifery Aspirant Directors of Communications Aspirant Directors of Finance (FSD/ Future focused finance) NHS Graduate Management Scheme – 6 specialisms and Alumni High Potential Scheme – 1 pilot and 2 fast followers Midlands and East Regional Talent Board Midlands and East Executive Talent Scheme (MEET) NHS Exec Search support to individuals/ organisations NHS IMAS – secondments Clinical Exec Fast Track Directors, Nye Bevan, Elizabeth Garratt Anderson, Mary Seacole, Rosalind Franklin programmes Ready Now, Stepping Up programmes
Our community Talent Management Community of Practice – 1st October 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1azoqwlb-A&feature=youtu.be
Chief Executive - East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Nick Carver Chief Executive - East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Chair of the Midlands & East Regional Talent Board #eoetalent
Buzz Sessions 11:30 – 12:10 – Workshop 1 12:10 – 12:50 – Workshop 2
Lunch #eoetalent
Mike Thompson Chief Operating Officer Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
ADDS Programme My Journey Mike Thompson Chief Operating officer Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Background NHS since 1991 – non-clinical Acute, community, commissioning roles; performance; governance; service development. Career path not always clear! 2007 onwards various ‘Associate’ Director roles esp governance 2014 Director of Corporate Services, Bedford Hospital PDP and CEO Support for director development ADDS Cohort 2 2017/18
ADDS Cohort 2 Impact Reflections on style, strengths and preferences Shared learning and mutual support Rapid realisation that executive director, if achievable, in a governance/corporate services role not desired A focus on system leadership generated motivation for ‘something different’ (and not necessarily a traditional executive director role) Mock interview feedback; visible career path Team project!
Post ADDS Negotiated a secondment to the BLMK STP/ICS as Programme Director, Primary, Community & Social Care – Played on historical experiences, ADDS experience (and feedback on positioning) and limited non-acute experience in STP team Extended by 1yr; successful delivery; network developed December 18 BLMK CCG Collaborative (3 CCGs shared executive function) Director of Corporate Governance – achievable but contrary to aim Chief Operating Officer, Bedfordshire – unlikely and to some implausible! Interviewed for both. Appointed COO Dec 18, commenced Feb 19
Summary ADDS Liberating; self confidence and belief Focus on system leadership New Systems Opportunities New types of roles Networks, style and relationships can be as important, or more, that conventional experience.
Buzz Session 14:20 – 15:00 – Workshop 3
Break #eoetalent
Buzz Sessions 15:20 to 16:00 – Workshop 4
The future of our CoP How would we like to see this evolve? What would make it even better? Who else can we engage with? Ideas for future agendas
Reflections on the day Please share your talent take away #eoetalent
Dates for your diaries GMTS Steering Group and Alumni Event Wednesday 20th March – The Red Lion Whittlesford GMTS Networking Event Wednesday 3rd April – venue tbc Talent Review Board and Succession Planning Masterclass Wednesday 17th April – Holiday Inn Cambridge (Impington) Talent Management Community of Practice Wednesday 15th May – venue tbc Career Coaching Dates to follow
Talent CoP Web Page Please visit! East of England Talent Management Community of Practice https://eoeleadership.hee.nhs.uk/node/427
Evaluation Please let us know what you think! #eoetalent
We look forward to welcoming you to the next meeting We look forward to welcoming you to the next meeting! Have a safe journey home Thank you #eoetalent