Rate the words as you come in. Do you know how to say the word Rate the words as you come in. Do you know how to say the word? What it means? How to put it in a sentence?
Pyramids From Kids Discover
Explain Your Ideas/Tell Why Team Cooperation Goal Explain Your Ideas/Tell Why
Title: Pyramids Reading Goal: Main Idea and Supporting Details Team Cooperation Goal: Explain Your Ideas/Tell Why Genre: Expository Author: From Kids Discover
concealed: hid The baby concealed himself from his mother, he hid from her under his bed.
massive: enormous Joanna reserved the massive ballroom for her wedding reception, it was enormous!
security: safety The police officer’s job was to make sure there was security during the game, he ensured safety for all the fans.
inspired: encouraged Rhea explained that she loved reading the poems about nature because they inspired her to write her own poems, she felt encouraged by other peoples’ writing.
valuable: of great worth Judy took special care of her valuable jewelry, it was of great worth.
The railroad connected the two cities, it joined them together. connected: joined The railroad connected the two cities, it joined them together.
Review Vocabulary with Partner Can you say it? Can you define it? Can you say it in a sentence?
Vocabulary Vault
Building Background What kind of day did you have yesterday? Tell your partner at least two events that happened yesterday. Model clarifying puddles What you have just done is restate main idea, where the kind of day you had was the main idea.
Being on the moon Twelve different men have been on the moon Being on the moon Twelve different men have been on the moon. All of the men were Americans. In July of 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed their spaceship, Eagle, in a place on the moon called the Sea of Tranquility. Over the next two and a half years, five more ships landed on the moon. Each ship had a two-man crew. The last manned ship to land on the moon was named Challenger. In December of 1972, Challenger landed in the Taurus-Littrow valley. Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last two men to walk on the moon.
What is the main idea of this passage What is the main idea of this passage? What are some supporting details in this passage? Discuss with your partners.
People have been to the moon. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. Eugene and Harrison also landed on the moon but on the Taurus-Littrow Valley People have been to the moon. Presidents
Pyramids Text Structures Pyramids is also divided into sections and headings that help you as a reader figure out main ideas and supporting details. Usually texts in this format are expository. There are many pictures There are captions attached to pictures
Let’s look at the text structures in this book. How do we know that this book is an expository text?
Earth’s atmosphere is driven by the Sun’s heat Living in the troposphere, we feel the weather in the temperature of the air Tropo means change Weather is what's happening at the bottom of the atmosphere. The atmospehre lets the sunlight pass through. Sunlight heats the ground The heat warms the surface that dissipates toward the atmosphere This is called the greenhouse effect Earth’s atmosphere is driven by the Sun’s heat Living on planet Earth there are different types of weather happening Presidents How do we know that the Earth is actually getting hotter due to the Greenhouse Effect?
Preview the book What is one questions you have after previewing the book? Write this question in the space provided on your tree map.
Presidents Where exactly in the world are the pyramids located?
Team Talk Questions Why does the author compare the weight of the pyramid’s stone to the weight of the elephants? What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? How were the Pyramids in the Valley of the Kings different from other pyramids?
Partner Read- 15 minutes Put 2 sticky notes on words that are new or unfamiliar to you Read and restate pages 308-311 Discuss with team words you clarified Find vocabulary words
Tree Map Decide as a group what the main idea was for each section Provide at least 3 details to support your main idea
Team Discussion-15minutes Discuss answers to team talk questions Team Talk procedures will be up! Write answers to question 2 and 3
#1 Reads the Question #2 Answers the Question #3 Agrees or disagrees with evidence from the text #4 Summarizes what the groups discussed
Class Discussion What words did your group clarify?
Writing Adventures- 15 min Pretend that you are building your own pyramid. What items do you want in the pyramid with you? Why are these items important to you?
Scoring Guide You answer the question 25 points Your answer explains or describes with at least two details 25 points Your answer makes sense and has Part of the question in it 20 points Your answer is written in complete, correct sentences 20 points Your writing has correct capitalization and punctuation 10 points
Vocabulary Practice-10 min Divide your words with partner. Choose a word from your list to use in a meaningful sentence.
Fluency – 5 min Page 309
Fluency Rubric 100 points Expressiveness Smoothness Rate and correctness 90 points Smoothness 80 points Rate and correctness 70 points Correctness