Assessment Key Stage 2
Assessment What does assessment mean at Moorfield? What types of formal testing take place at Moorfield? SATs – what, when, where and why? Content of the tests – English and mathematics. Questions.
What does Assessment mean at Moorfield? SATs are simply a snapshot of a child’s overall performance To form a more complete picture of a child’s abilities the following tests take place: Planned assessment tasks Regular assessments of work at individual and group level Formal whole class testing All of the above information is made available to your child’s High School. In addition to this Yr7 teachers spend time with Mr Heaton and Mr. Collinson to share further information. A significant amount of assessment information was passed on from previous class teachers.
Formal Testing All year groups: QCA standard tests (Yr2 and Yr6 results are published) SPAR spelling test Edinburgh Reading Test Salford Reading Test Abacus assessments NRIT (Y3-5 only) Teacher assessment materials LSS assessments
SATs Arrangements for 2019 Monday 13th-Thursday 16th May. All the main tests will take place in the school hall. The first test of the day will start at about 9.30am. All materials are provided by the school.
Other Issues If your child is unwell please do not send them into school. There will be another opportunity for your child to take the test at a later time. School sends the tests away to be marked and receives the marked scripts by early July. Please do not ask your teacher for results at this point as a checking process has to be completed. If the school requests a review of the marking you will be made aware of the outcomes by early September. Some children will be allocated 25% extra time.
The Tests English Grammar and punctuation (45 mins) Spelling (20 mins) Reading test (60 mins) Writing will be assessed internally. Maths Two written tests (40 mins each) Arithmetic test (30 mins)
2019 Timetable Monday 13th Tuesday 14th Wednesday 15th Thursday 16th 9.30: English grammar and punctuation (45 min) 11.00: Spelling test (20 min) Tuesday 14th 9.30: English reading test (60 min) Wednesday 15th 9.30: Reasoning mathematics paper 1 (40 min) 11.00: Arithmetic test (30 min) Thursday 16th 9.30: Reasoning mathematics paper 2 (40 min)
Examples of Questions - Reading
Examples of Questions - Reading
Examples of Questions - Spelling
Examples of Grammar and Punctuation
Examples of Questions –Written arithmetic
Examples of Questions - Maths
Examples of Questions - Maths
Examples of Questions - Maths
Final thoughts …. All the tests are sent away to be marked. School does not receive the scanned scripts, together with the raw scores until early July. A rigorous internal checking process then ensues. Scaled scores (taken from the raw scores) will be reported to you via the end of school report. The final statement (met/not met) of attainment will also be reported. School is unaware of where the benchmarks will be set.
Pupil results and final report. Name Subject Teacher assessment Raw test score Scaled test score End of year standard Reading /50 Writing Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling /70 Mathematics /110 Science GDS is awarded to a pupil that is working at greater depth at the expected standard (writing only). WTS is awarded to a pupil that is working towards the expected standard (writing only). EXS is awarded to a pupil that is at the expected standard. HNM is awarded to a pupil who has not met the standard.