WG E on Priority Substances Progress report of WG E on Priority Substances Strategic Co-ordination Group 4-5 November 2009 Jorge Rodriguez Romero Madalina David DG Environment, European Commission
Content Overall approach on prioritisation process (outcomes of Expert Group on review) Technical Guidance on EQS derivation Guidelines on Mixing Zones identification Activity on emissions Proposal for statistical methods EQSD transposition checklist SCG 4-5 November 2009
Overall approach on prioritisation process (1) Objective: COM should prepare a new proposal review of the list of priority substances (Annex X of WFD) as well as corresponding EQSs for water, sediment and/or biota (Art. 8 of EQSD) amend/establish control measures (Art. 7(1) of EQSD) by 13/01/2011 SCG 4-5 November 2009
Overall approach to prioritisation (2) Annex 1: Candidate list of substance (to be review by EG-R) SCG 4-5 November 2009
State of play of simplified risk-based assessment Monitoring based prioritisation (INERIS) report finalised and agreed at July meeting of WG E Modelling based prioritisation (JRC and UK) universe of chemicals approach: combine hazard scoring (PBT and vPvB assessment criteria) and exposure scoring (use assessment criteria) next step: estimate risk ratio (PEC/PNEC) for the substances with the score 1 using a tier tool (ECETOC TRA TOOL) SCG 4-5 November 2009
Starting point: candidate list Annex 1: Candidate list of substance Simplified RA PHS criteria Art 8 EQSD Additional information RARs VRAR SCG 4-5 November 2009
Outcomes Expert Group meeting on review (21-22 September, Brussels) Finalisation of the prioritisation based on modelling (PEC and PNECs) Draft report on prioritisation based on modelling End October 2009 End November 2009 Extraction of PECs and PNECs from RARs October – November 2009 Proposal by WGE members of additional substances for the candidate list using the data sheets By 20 November 2009 Circulation of updated list of candidate substances and documents for the Expert Group End of November 2009 Meeting of the Expert Group Review the list of candidate substances and select the 30-50 substances for which dossiers will be prepared Identification of leads for the preparation of dossiers for those 30-50 substances Identify 10-15 substances for which EQS will be derived 26-27 January 2010 support from SCG and WD is expected in order to mobilize Member States resources SCG 4-5 November 2009
Technical Guidance on EQS derivation Rapporteurs meeting of EG on EQS held in Brussels on 26-27 October: agree on the final draft guidance This version of the document was compiled according to the latest comments received form EG-R and WG E as well as based on the results of the tests made by INERIS. There is only one open issue that need the decision of the SCG on drinking water standards for later discussion SCG 4-5 November 2009
Guidelines on Mixing Zones identification First draft + methodology for testing: distributed at October meeting of WG E large scale of discharges across the whole Europe testing is required, BUT… only few Member States and stakeholders Timetable: completeness of guideline: 30 November 2009 testing phase: 31 January 2010 Final: version 28 February 2010 approval by WG E: March meeting of 2010 ratification by WD: May meeting of 2010 SCG 4-5 November 2009
Activity on emissions Drafting Group on emissions: 9 September 2009 (Brussels) Scope: discuss the latest version of the factsheets elaborated on Cadmium, PAHs, Mercury and Tributyltin. First draft of Cadmium factsheet: October meeting of the WG E Conclusions: most of the subsequent measures would appear better tackled at EU level for all 4 substances is unlikely to reach WFD's environmental objective of zero-emissions WG E members: send information on the national measures applied and guidance/best practices on remediation updated version of the factsheets for the all 4 substances will be distributed to the WG E members: end of October (deadline for comments: end of November) SCG 4-5 November 2009
Proposal for statistical methods (percentile calculation) Bases: Annex I, Part B, 2nd point of EQSD to ensure the acceptable level of confidence and precision for determining the compliance with MAC-EQS A paper was produced by the United Kingdom Outcomes of discussions (WG E): the agreement to move forward the work was not reached to elaborate and exchange information between Member States on case studies on compliance checking, including statistical methods for assessing compliance the proposal to develop guidance on the statistical methods for assessing compliance will be re-assessed. If this is the case the SCG and Water Directors will be asked to endorse document produced SCG 4-5 November 2009
EQSD transposition checklist Deadline for transposition of EQSD: 13 July 2010 (Article 13(1)) First draft: October meeting of WG E (deadline for written comments 9 November 2009) Scope: check that the transposing texts are reflecting the letter SCG 4-5 November 2009
Thank you for your attention! CIRCA: 7th WG E meeting folder Next meetings DG on Mixing Zones: 9 November 2009 (Brussels) EG-R: 26-27 January 2010 (Brussels) DG on emissions: 28 January 2010 (Brussels) WG E: 15-16 March 2010 (Brussels) Workshop on WFD River Basin Specific Pollutants Monitoring (exchange of information on current approaches, best practises and identification of need for development): 10-11 June 2010 (Stresa, Italy) Thank you for your attention! CIRCA: 7th WG E meeting folder SCG 4-5 November 2009
Contents of the dossiers Risk assessment reports, if available If monitoring data available, fact sheet of the monitoring database (as in http://www.priority.substances.wfd.oieau.fr/) and any additional monitoring information that can be made available If ranking high in the monitoring-based approach: Results of the a posteriori checking made by INERIS Additional information and checkings on the reliability and representativity of monitoring data (discussed at EG) Data sheet WGE(7)-09-05c filled in (although for the first stage discussions the section on EQS will be empty) Any other additional information brought by COM, MS or stakeholders