UtiliToken General Offer Every cycle of 40,000,000 tokens (4%) distributed doubles ½ cent to one cent to 2 cents to 4 cents, 8 cents, 16 cents on up to 124 cents. Portal Raises $81,000,000 denominated in Tokens developing each NetsWorth with long term worth
We know that after using the portal with token and current keys with 81,890,000 invested will be worth lots more than 10X ROI.. Bonus Fund Disbursements 10% of 100,000,000 GifTokens Purchase bonus and as more is contributed, retroactive $ 100+ 05% $ 200+ 10% $ 400+ 15% $ 800+ 20% $ 1,600+ 25% $ 3,200+ 30% $ 6,400+ 35% $12,800+ 40% $25,600+ 45% $51,200+ 50%
100% raised for the Portal and tokenkeys used for development 100% raised for the Portal and tokenkeys used for development. Funds are released from escrow according to completing developmental plans. 100% of the GifToken and other alt-Currents distributed to the The Wholomid Community Projects.
$81,890,000 through 12 Rounds to fully develop: Infrastructure Coalescing Function Processes Sustainable Operations…
For Rounds 3 through 10 Marketing and Public Relations 5% Operations 25%, Infrastructure Development 30% GifX Gifting and development of market exchange 20% 10% of each round is transferred to the previous round as a sinking fund for that round. Total is 30% of the round. This underwrites the value of the Reserve Currents and is a good incentive.
Creation and Allocation of GifTokens GifToken Number: Wholonomics intends to create 1,000,000,000 alt-Current Giftokens MD..XL Tokens of millions of kinds. alt-Currents distribution: 500,000,000 will constitute the Sale GifTokens available for Purchase in The Sale
Identity Token holders the Identity Platform with $81,890,000 through 12 Rounds to develop and implement the understanding, infrastructure, processes and operations to provide Identity Benefits to every person on Earth. Gift Rounds enter continually into the Que: When near the end of a round interest increases. When each new round is reached, pricing and value adjusts automatically.
340,000,000 GifTokens will be retained by Wholonomic Body for future distribution. This is an amount of GifTokens equal to 34% of the total held in reserve. 10% of 1,000,000,000 will be distributed as bonuses as outlined in Section Bonuses. 10% will be distributed to founders as outlined in Section Founders. for any purposes at its sole discretion, including without limitation as rewards to incentivize use of Platforms and Services.
UtiliToken General Use of Funds Command the 27 Portals with Deep Focus. Find and Connect up with each other. Create Wholo’Teams. Colonize Locamids. Perfect Wholo’Ship offering Attract Massive Resources Share Resources and Love Network the Globamid Complete Prototype I-vote Platform Create Module Holo’Escrow Trusts Bring Trillions of Solamids of Underwriting Reserves
UtiliToken General Use of Funds Perfect Ways to Valuate Reputation Prototype and perfect Wolo’Scales and Holo’Scales Wolomid Field of Potential as Wealth Transform and evolve this Plan as it translates into Prototypes Reconstruct and perfect Wholonomics Create and Distribute Appchange bypasses Connect up and include Free Currency Exchanges all over the planet. Give them a conversion mechanism Mass Interface Optimization . We start by stepping out and getting others to do likewise.
Use of Funds Organize, prototype, design and implement the methods to create gatherings Create the Dashboards and other productivity tools Publish 1,000 blogs, articles, videos, comments. Video Development, Video Explanations and introductions Outreach Media, Social Media Outreach, Press Releases, Discussing on public forums Gain Authority in the Age of Overload We are here to Renew cooperation as our basic social value
Identity Token holders the Identity Platform with $81,890,000 through 12 Rounds to develop and implement the understanding, infrastructure, processes and operations to provide Identity Benefits to every person on Earth.
The Investor Passport allows users to perform AML, KYC, suitability and accreditation verification once with a system Validator, and then utilize that passport with other service providers in the ecosystem. This creates an enhanced, secure, and global compliance process that improves investor protections and security, along with increased privacy of sensitive investor data.
There will a pause between each Round of 60 hours to make sure all the registers are balanced and reconciled.
Seed Current from – MD. XL. MultiDtokens and Seed ID from HD. XL Seed Current from – MD..XL.. MultiDtokens and Seed ID from HD..XL.. HyperDtokens combine. Holders receive through their HyperDtokens via the Wholonomics Platform
Rounds Round Valuation Per Token Number issued 100,000,000 Total Tokens Percentage of 100% of the Token Distribution Amount of the Round Raise Running Total Wholostage Bonuses .5 cents .05 Tokens 20,000,000 Tokens 2.00% $10,000 Security Token Bonus Seed Distribution .1 Tokens 40,000,000 Tokens 4.00% $40,000 $50,000 Round 1 - Identify Portal Tokens and Currents .2 Tokens $80,000 $130,000 Round 2 Identify Portal Tokens and Currents and Offer Exchange .4 Tokens $160,000 290,000 Round 3 Activate Tokens and Currents Distribution and Offer Exchange .8 Tokens $320,000 610,000 Round 4 Portal Tokens and Currents 1.6 Tokens $640,000 1,250,000
Reserve Token Currents Rounds 5 to 9 Round 5 Portal Token Currents 3.2 Tokens 40,000,000 Tokens 4.00% $1,280,000 2,530,000 Round 6 Portal, Token Currents 6.4 Tokens $2,560,000 5,090,000 Round 7 Reserve Token Currents 12.8 Tokens $5120000 10,210,000 Round 8 25.60 Tokens 10240000 20,450,000 Round 9 51.20 Tokens 20480000 40,930,000
Reserve Token Currents Total Tokens Disbursed Percentage Distributed Round 10 Reserve Token Currents 102.40 Tokens 40,000,000 Tokens 0 4.00% 40,960,000 81,890,000 Total Rounds Est. Average Value @ ROI Total Tokens Disbursed Percentage Distributed Valuation of Smart Security Tokens At $1.24 each Total 12 12.80 cents per Token 10X ROI 46,000,000 46.00% 124 million dollars