Where do we stand with the Structural Funds? Lewis Dijkstra Directorate General for Regional Policy European Commission
Where do we stand in the process? Financial Perspectives agreed SF, ERDF, ESF Regulations adopted Community Strategic Guidelines adopted Process of MS meetings on NSRF has started Operational Programmes in preparation
The overall architecture Community Strategic Guidelines for Cohesion – framework and coherence of EU policy National Strategic Reference Framework – Member State strategic document for cohesion policy Operational Programmes – management tools for cohesion policy implementation
The phases CSG – Council adopts within 6 months of regulation adoption NSRF – Member State submits within 5 months of CSG adoption OPs – Member State submits within 5 months of CSG adoption OPs – Commision adopts within 4 months of MS submission
The content of the NRSF Analysis of disparities, weaknesses and potential Strategic approach chosen Priorities and objectives - including thematic and territorial Commission makes observations
The content of the NRSF 2 List of Operational Programmes for Convergence and RCE objectives Annual allocation by programme and fund (indicative) Convergence regions: administrative efficiency measures + additionality information Commission takes a decision
Operational Programmes Translates priorities and objectives from NSRF into actions. SWOT analysis of region or sector Justification of choices and expected results Priorities and targets: quantified through indicators 2 financial tables Annual community contribution by fund Full period contribution by community and national sources to OP and priority axis
Operational Programmes 2 EAFRD and EEF consistency description Implementing provisions: Managing authority Certifying authority Audit authority Monitoring and evaluation systems Payments bodies
Fourth Cohesion Report Social, economic and territorial cohesion Impact of national policies on cohesion Impact of other community policies on cohesion Impact of the structural funds on cohesion Recommendations for policy
Data Needs Regional Accountsregional GDP and GVA up to 2004;extend real GDP growth up to 2004;improve data availability of GFCF;improve data availability of total employment
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