Research Information Systems for Higher Education Institutions in Italy
Italian Higher Education context Ministry of University and Research Ministerial Information System Students Database Courses Database Research funds Delivery Professors Database Students and learning Research Accounting HR Planning & Controlling University
Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca for Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca
Thanks God, a simple Summary Research project assessment National research assessment exercise
Project assessment (1/2) Each year All in one month Only electronic submission A personal workspace for each researcher We know all about them (219.144 registered users, with carriers and curricula) We have scientific production of all of them (3.333.615 publications) A catalogue of scientific journal titles (201.903 journals)
Project assessment (2/2) >4.000 project proposals presented every year (56.172 research projects in the last 12 years) >13.000 organizational units involved >6.500 international experts for peer review A ranking is calculated Funds assignment Monitoring the financial data during project life-cycle Collect periodical reports and final statements
Summary Research project assessment National research assessment exercise
national research assessment exercise (1/2) Covers from 3 to 5 years Only the best research products Bibliometric indicators Peer review Good ranking position means more funds and salary increase
national research assessment exercise (2/2) First exercise was successfully concluded in 2006 17.329 products were evaluated by 151 panelist, assisted by 6.661 international experts At least 2 blind reviews per product Final ranking calculated by scientific area and by structure A new (bigger!) exercise will start very soon
interoperability Universities and Research Institutions can exchange data with the National Research Information System via: web services file upload/download OAI-PMH (work in progress)
standards Researchers’ curricula are in Europass format. We are going to use the same format for University professors CVs soon. We are working to provide research projects data according to the CERIF 2008 standard. For publications metadata exchange we use many formats, but our main reference is MODS.
Italian Higher Education context Ministry of University and Research Students Database Courses Database Research funds Delivery Professors Database Students and learning Research Accounting HR Planning & Controlling Single University
U-GOV Solution Map
An Interconnected System Portal U-GOV RI Research Catalog Project RU Carriers People Remunerations Payroll Org. Structure DI Course Planning Student Management Services 3 Document Management CSA 2 1 7 ID management systems Ministerial Database 6 ESSE3 5 Uno degli aspetti che ha avuto maggiore rilevanza e peso in tutte le fasi di lavorazioni di U-GOV è stato senza dubbio quello dell’integrazione. Interazione tra AA (anagrafiche, SO, progetti, CSA..) e con sistemi esterni (ministero, CSA, ESSE3..). 3° party Apps 4 CO Accounting Sys. Sales and Purchases Inventory 14
CINECA’s vision on research processes Project management internally and externally funded (Gov, EU, Industry): administering the grant, complying with regulations, reporting to funders. Research results repository management (publications, patents, conference speeches, proceedings..) Research results assessment (publication, projects, research groups) Research assets management (research teams and groups, research units, laboratories, equipments, facilities, skills..) Dissemination and Technology transfer Integration with national and istitutional repositories/systems Projects Results Assessment Assets Dissemination
U-GOV Research facts and figures U-GOV Research installations: 35 Managed publications: 432.773 Year 2009 publications: 197.654 End users: 26.538 Publications linked to ministerial systems: 177.350 Reviewed/Assessed publications: 46.734
U-GOV & Full Interoperability Ministerial Systems
What future for interoperability ? standards are a feasible goal but standards come through adoption so… we need to build tangible services for the research community on top of standardization !
Thank you for your attention Questions? Pierluigi Bonetti Ministerial Services and Support Systems Fabrizio Luglio Research Systems and Services for Universities