Creative Media Pre-production Introduction Creative Media GCSE Mr Tench Mr Crawford
Creative Media Pre-production Learning outcome 1
Creative Media Pre-production Learning outcome 1
Creative Media Pre-production Recap – Research Primary research – original information and data gathered by you such as; Focus groups Questionnaires Interviews Observations
Creative Media Pre-production Recap – Research Secondary research – information or data that you find from sources that already exist.
Creative Media Pre-production What gender are you? (choose one) Male Female What is your favourite subject?
Creative Media Pre-production Who is it aimed at?
Creative Media Pre-production Client brief You have been asked by your school to design a poster for a healthy eating campaign. This must focus on ONE fruit and ONE vegetable and suggest benefits of each. You must first decide what the best fruit and vegetable would be to focus on, you must then find information about the benefits of these foods. The poster is going to be placed in Blessed Sacrament and is aimed at students up to the age of 11. It must be completed by Monday 18th December so it can be displayed in the school after the Christmas break.
Creative Media Pre-production
Title – Time Management and Work plans Creative Media Pre-production Title – Time Management and Work plans Understand the importance of effective time management Create a work plan for an ongoing project
Creative Media Pre-production Client brief You have been asked by your school to design a poster for a healthy eating campaign. This must focus on ONE fruit and ONE vegetable and suggest benefits of each. You must first decide what the best fruit and vegetable would be to focus on, you must then find information about the benefits of these foods. The poster is going to be placed in Blessed Sacrament and is aimed at students up to the age of 11. It must be completed by Monday 18th December so it can be displayed in the school after the Christmas break.
Why is a work plan important when producing media? Creative Media Pre-production Task 1 Why is a work plan important when producing media?
Creative Media Pre-production Task 1 A work plan is important to enable you to manage your time effectively. They enable you to plan the entire project and how long each individual task will take in order to meet the overall deadline. A project is much more likely to be successful is the timing is planned.
Creative Media Pre-production What do they contain? Try and think of as many things you feel an effective work plan should contain
Creative Media Pre-production What do they contain? Tasks Activities Timescales Milestones Resources required Contingency plans
Creative Media Pre-production Client brief You have been asked by your school to design a poster for a healthy eating campaign. This must focus on ONE fruit and ONE vegetable and suggest benefits of each. You must first decide what the best fruit and vegetable would be to focus on, you must then find information about the benefits of these foods. The poster is going to be placed in Blessed Sacrament and is aimed at students up to the age of 11. It must be completed by Monday 18th December so it can be displayed in the school after the Christmas break.
Creative Media Pre-production
Creative Media Pre-production
Creative Media Pre-production Answer The final project must be complete by 18th December. The poster must be finished before this date. This must be the final date on the work plan timeline.
Creative Media Pre-production
Creative Media Pre-production
What might be a good starting point? Creative Media Pre-production Your project Your project is to create a poster for a primary school to be completed by 18th December. On scrap paper you need to list all tasks, in order that you need to carry out. What might be a good starting point?
Creative Media Pre-production Possible tasks Initial ideas mind map Create a mood board Questionnaire to decide fruit/veg to include Analysis of questionnaire Secondary research on most popular fruit/veg Visualisation diagram Take original images Source existing images Design poster Gain feedback Print poster Deliver poster
Creative Media Pre-production Final Task Annotate the printout of the work plan with suggestions for things that could go wrong throughout the project.
What type of thing can you do to plan for unexpected events? Creative Media Pre-production Contingency Contingency means to plan for unexpected events that may occur during the project. This helps us ensure that we deliver the project on time in the event of problems. What type of thing can you do to plan for unexpected events?